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Wednesday June 13

game 1:

Owen Romulan https://www.trekcc.org/decklists/index. ... ckID=38627 vs Robin playing Loren III ... MW for Robin 65-0

Robin vs Fritz playing slightly different Romulans https://www.trekcc.org/decklists/index. ... ckID=38441 MW for Fritz 70-35

And sadly no time for a third game so I guess this one wouldn't even work under 3ps rules.

So I think that makes it

Owen 1 point (1 ML) Romulan
Robin 4 points (1 ML + 1 MW) for Fed
Fritz 3 points (1 MW) Romulan
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 - Ambassador
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Robin playing Loren III MW 75 vs 50 ML Owen playing a Romulan neutral zone deck
^^ we're getting faster, Robin was inches away from solving a third mission for FW at time

Fritz Die is Cast Romulans with interference MW 35 vs 20 ML Owen

I hit Owen with double Archaic Snare after 3 attempts at his 40 point Patrol Neutral Zone, so he had to start fresh. Ouch. He played well around my Die is Cast to prevent me from solving a second mission.
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It's slipstream night at sword & board in cape town

Game 1 fritz FW 50-0 FL Robin
Ouch, 19 minutes of playing and drawing, including GUYS hits x3. Then 1 attempt and done, 21 mins.

... And I thought I was gonna get owned after he played Admiral McCoy.

Game 2 robin mw 40-35 ml Dom

Much more even game, robin was inches from the fw at time.

Game 3 Dom mw 30-10 ml fritz
jem'hadar own teplan prime in any format

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