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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Since the card says you may report the android, you simply may do so (indeed -- in your Execute Orders phase). Many cards allow things like this. As such, it is not related to your (Normal) Card Play (phase).
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
SudenKapala wrote:Since the card says you may report the android, you simply may do so (indeed -- in your Execute Orders phase). Many cards allow things like this. As such, it is not related to your (Normal) Card Play (phase).
This is wrong. HWHA gives you a destination to report these things, but all other rules apply. You can only play cards during your card play Phase unless specifically allowed otherwise (which this does NOT do), but it DOES allow you to report all of those native [1E-DQ] androids and ships in the Alpha quadrant, which is not nothing.
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By JeBuS (Brian S)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
This might be some of the stranger sentence structuring I've seen in a CC card.

So are we saying the parenthetical portion acts as though it's another sentence that says "While you have no more than one non-android personnel in play, once each turn on android may report to your Cybernetics personnel."?

Or are we saying that the parenthetical portion lets you immediately report an android if it happens to be one of the 2 drawn cards?

Or are we saying that you need to reveal a drawn android to your opponent when drawn, so that next turn you may report it to your Cybernetics personnel?

Because it definitely reads as the third if we're being strict; like the second if we're being lenient and ignoring rules precedent; and like the first if we're throwing out precedent altogether.

Seems as though it touches on a common misconception about the game (reporting). PFTI explained it to me with examples.
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By Ensign Q
 - Delta Quadrant
jadziadax8 wrote:The report section of the Glossary is quite clear on how all this works.

its pretty convoluted i dont find the sentence that clears up this card.
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By Ensign Q
 - Delta Quadrant
SudenKapala wrote:Since the card says you may report the android, you simply may do so (indeed -- in your Execute Orders phase). Many cards allow things like this. As such, it is not related to your (Normal) Card Play (phase).
its pretty close to Temporal Micro-Wormhole which is not an additional report.

so all it does is giving you a location to report to?
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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I think they key here is that you're not taking a report/play action (which folks are correctly understanding you can't do during execute orders), but a "conduct upgrades" (i.e. "using gametext on a card in play") action, which you *can* do during execute - in fact, you have to! - and part of that gametext gives you the option to play a card. And that's legit.

Think of Defend Homeworld - it lets you download a SECURITY during execute orders, and download includes report. :D
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By Ensign Q
 - Delta Quadrant
i argue right now its a replacement, because tmw is not an additional report either, but pretty much worded the same:

Once each turn (twice per game), you may report a personnel aboard your ship
one android drawn may report to your Cybernetics personnel

a download follows additional rules. this one doesnt download the card drawn.
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
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I think we're looking at the wrong cards.

Add Distinctiveness has a mid-turn play ability, for instance.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
AllenGould wrote:I think they key here is that you're not taking a report/play action (which folks are correctly understanding you can't do during execute orders), but a "conduct upgrades" (i.e. "using gametext on a card in play") action, which you *can* do during execute - in fact, you have to! - and part of that gametext gives you the option to play a card. And that's legit.

Think of Defend Homeworld - it lets you download a SECURITY during execute orders, and download includes report. :D
This is correct. I read Suden's post as allowing the first part to be done during the Orders phase. The second part is clearly an order so yeah that part works.

My apologies if I caused more confusion than I cleared up. That's what I get for making substantive 1e posts prior to my first cup of coffee. :P
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By JeBuS (Brian S)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
If I may be allowed to summarize a discussion had about Happy Androids in the Dojo Discord:

Part of the confusion about Happy's reporting is because it does so during the orders phase of a turn. The language is also quite similar to Temporal Micro-Wormhole, which does not allow an extra report during the orders phase, according to the glossary.

[A brief sidebar on TMW: Years ago, many players did indeed read the card to mean that it allowed an extra report on your turn. Thus, its glossary language specifying that it does not do so.]

If Happy existed first, and TMW was being released in this set, I would imagine that TMW would mean an extra report during the order's phase, due to Happy's precedent.
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By Ensign Q
 - Delta Quadrant
i still think, in order to have the card work as intended, it has to say: you may immediately report to xy..

Otherwise its just a normal report with an alternative target location

All cards except interrupts and doorways may be played only at this time, even those that play "for free," unless a card specifically allows a card play at another time.
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By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
While "conducting upgrades" on HWHA is an action and does take place in the "Execute Orders" phase, part of the gametext from conducting upgrades is speciically allowing you to report a card when you normally wouldn't be able to do so.

This is an example of being "specifically allowed" to report at another time - much like Nanoprobe Resuscitation.

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