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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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The text says "from solving that mission", so I'd argue that any and all points you gained that are tied to the act of solving would get hit.
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By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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I'm not sure Allen's interpretation is the best textual construction, but it certainly seems easiest to apply.

In any event, how I Tried To Warn You interacts with JTK, AMS, etc. seems genuinely ambiguous. We may need to issue a formal ruling for it.
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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BCSWowbagger wrote: Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:42 pm I'm not sure Allen's interpretation is the best textual construction, but it certainly seems easiest to apply.
I'm partly basing it on when the card came out - it's not a PAQ card with the funky wordings, but DS9 - by that point we had multiple ways to score additional points when solving a mission, so the choice of words seems compelling (to me at least).
By Ashigaru
 - Beta Quadrant
Whereas my thought (bear in mind, I haven't played in a LONG LONG time) was that ITTWY took away the points from the MISSION, not from other sources that may have only procced off a mission. If I were to write down points every time I scored them and their source, this is what I would write.

+40 - Espionage Mission
+5 - James T. Kirk
+5 - Assign Mission Specialists

So I would have looked at it as only 40 points came from the mission, the other 10 are just bonus points. Because it does seem a little odd to me to say "Okay, I get 50 Mission points, but only 40 count towards the Intermix rule" instead of "40 Mission points, 10 bonus points."

Edit - was asking a friend who ALSO hasn't played in a long time, and he asked 'What about acquiring Ressikan Flute there? I only got it because I solved a mission, after all. Or what about Drought Tree?' as other anomalies if ITTWY hit all points that would not have been obtained but for solving that mission.
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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The wording is
"destroys any points already gained from solving that mission or completing an objective targeting that mission".

So solving the mission is a gimme.

AMS is "scores 5 points whenever they use their skill to meet a mission requirement". So you score the points when you solve the mission.

I wouldn't consider the Flute to count, because you earn the artifact when you solve - the points happen afterwards.
By Ashigaru
 - Beta Quadrant
I would say that AMS points are WHEN you solve the mission, but not FROM solving the mission - they come from the objective, not the mission. Simply stated, I think ITTWY looks at the source of the points.
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By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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There's sense in that!
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