For posting text-only dream cards (no graphical cards or links to sites hosting such cards) and for speculation on future sets.
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Second Edition Art Manager
By edgeofhearing (Lucas Thompson)
 - Second Edition Art Manager
Community Contributor
Occasionally I'll run into an image that I love but know I'll never get to use on a card. Here's one from "When the Bough Breaks":


I love the colors and the framing and the absence of characters means it probably won't fit with anything in the game. If you were to make a card for this image, what would it be?
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
edgeofhearing wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:16 pm Occasionally I'll run into an image that I love but know I'll never get to use on a card. Here's one from "When the Bough Breaks":


I love the colors and the framing and the absence of characters means it probably won't fit with anything in the game. If you were to make a card for this image, what would it be?
Probably a 1E Incident that grants free plays to Youth personnel.
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By nobthehobbit (Daniel Pareja)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Maybe a dilemma requiring Anthropology and Diplomacy, among other things?
Randomly divide your personnel into two halves. Each half that does not have Anthropology and Diplomacy is stopped.
By Dunnagh (Andreas Micheel)
 - Delta Quadrant
Dilemma sounds nice

"Unfriendly Invitation

All personell with Youth are taken hostage on the planet (max 7, disabled). One ship here is moved up to 6 Range by opponent. Cure with 2 SCIENCE and Transporter Skill OR any Beverly Crusher"
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Maybe one of those food or drink cards like Kanar and Gagh that there was talk of making.
By rferries
 - Beta Quadrant
[P] 1 Aldean Hospitality
Unless you have 2 Anthropology or a Chef or Wesley Crusher, each of your personnel without any staffing icons is stopped. If fewer than two personnel are stopped this way, the next dilemma revealed during this mission attempt is cost -2.
"You've stolen our children away from their classrooms, away from their bedrooms and you talk about compensation?! You claim to be a civilized race and yet for some reason you have just committed an act of utter barbarity!!"
"Captain, we will continue these discussions when you have calmed down."
Also, an interesting tweet about the window in that image.
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By GooeyChewie (Nathan Miracle)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
edgeofhearing wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:16 pm Image
[D] (1) Tempting Lure
Reveal each personnel of cost 1 or less. For each personnel revealed this way, your opponent may spend one extra on dilemmas during this mission attempt.
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By nobthehobbit (Daniel Pareja)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
[D] (3) Watchful Guard
Consume: 1. Place this dilemma on this mission. Your opponent names a skill. Personnel with that skill cannot use any other skills while facing dilemmas. At the end of this mission attempt, this dilemma is overcome.

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It seeds as the next dilemma to be faced.

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