This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
By IndyRob79
 - New Member
Hi all!

My name is Robert Brinegar (go by Rob or Bobby), met some of you guys at Gen Con this year in Indy and got to play for the first time. Live down here in FL (out in Titusville by the space center). Been lurking the last week or so since I got back from Indy. I used to play the Star Wars CCG from Decipher but never did pick up on Trek till now. Also played MTG back when there wasn't a new expansion seemingly released every

Played in the 1E sealed on Friday and then borrowed a deck for the 1E tourney on Saturday. Picked up a bunch of 1E cards from Hill Wholesale Gaming there at the con and have been sorting thru and putting some stuff together since. (ordered some stuff online that should arrive tomorrow too...heh)

Getting my Delta Quadrant Federation deck together and looking forward to playing around some of the other factions after I get used to the game mechanics a bit more.

Just wanted to say thanks to the guys that put everything on at Gen Con and thanks to everyone I met at the tourneys that had patience with this noob learning the mechanics.

Hopefully there will be some stuff going on here in FL and I can get out and meet some of the locals. I'm sure I'll run into some of you guys at some different cons too, I'm usually at Megacon here in Orlando, DragonCon in Atlanta, and I'm usually at Gen Con since I'm from Indy originally and my family all lives there.


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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant

I'm also new to this forum. Is there any better place to introduce myself, rather than hijacking somebody else's introduction topic? (Sorry, Robert! :wink: )

Or does this community skip the pleasantries and jump immediately to the practical matters-at-hand?

I've been off-grid for a decade, forum-wise. But way-back-when, there usually were dedicated "introduce yourself" threads. So it seemed polite to ask whether I should tell a little about myself.
I also didn't want to muck things up here, hence I re-used this old introductory thread to pose my questions about the subject. 8)
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Online OP Coordinator
By pfti (Jon Carter)
 - Online OP Coordinator
Suden Kapala wrote:Hi!

I'm also new to this forum. Is there any better place to introduce myself, rather than hijacking somebody else's introduction topic? (Sorry, Robert! :wink: )

Or does this community skip the pleasantries and jump immediately to the practical matters-at-hand?

I've been off-grid for a decade, forum-wise. But way-back-when, there usually were dedicated "introduce yourself" threads. So it seemed polite to ask whether I should tell a little about myself.
I also didn't want to muck things up here, hence I re-used this old introductory thread to pose my questions about the subject. 8)
Here is as good as anywhere!


Where in the world are you based? we can point you to local players!

There is also a robust online player presence so lots of chances to play!
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Director of Organized Play
By LORE (Kris Sonsteby)
 - Director of Organized Play
Fleet Admiral
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Champion 2024
1E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
2E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
W.C.T. Chairman's Trophy winner 2014-2015
Suden Kapala wrote:Hi!

I'm also new to this forum. Is there any better place to introduce myself, rather than hijacking somebody else's introduction topic? (Sorry, Robert! :wink: )

Or does this community skip the pleasantries and jump immediately to the practical matters-at-hand?

I've been off-grid for a decade, forum-wise. But way-back-when, there usually were dedicated "introduce yourself" threads. So it seemed polite to ask whether I should tell a little about myself.
I also didn't want to muck things up here, hence I re-used this old introductory thread to pose my questions about the subject. 8)
Hi and welcome!

If you let us know your local area and what games you like to play (1st edition, 2nd edition, or Tribbles) I'm sure myself or another forum regular can point you towards your local Ambassador. That individual can get you plugged in to the STCCG scene in your local area.

Welcome to the forums and the Continuing Committee!
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By Iron Prime (Dan Van Kampen)
 - Delta Quadrant
Welcome back! We don't currently have any rules or dedicated introductory forums/threads that I am aware of. I'd say do what you want. Just commenting on this thread will make it bubble to the top and get some attention though.

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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
I just joined a few months back and I did skip the pleasantries. I am often lurking about the boards. I am over in the Tampa side of FL. I do know the East coast is much more active than the West Coast. If you end up over this way for MegaCon Tampa or Necronomicon, let me know.
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 - Beta Quadrant

Always good to see new players, I'm member of the NC play group. Im happy to see more east coast players. :P

For 1st edition you'll find that the gameplay section is the most active, it's basically the general section for 1e. Please jump in to any thread and join the discussion, the collective could always use more voices. :borg:

And remember, theirs no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to the behemoth that is 1e.

This is a deep and complex game so If you have any questions or need any help just let us know.
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Executive Officer
By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
The Traveler
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
The post from the FL guy is from 2009. It looks like Suden Kapala is from Western Europe somewhere.

Sent through Subspace from the Starship Enterprise
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
Yeah, I had a whole message written and posted until I realized I was replying to the wrong person.
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 - Ambassador
Community Contributor

Hello TMOT,
If you're a new player or revisiting the game, might I suggest the Online League and The Dojo's Discord Channel?

We're at about 60 players currently from all around the world and The Discord/The Online League is full of returning and/or new players just like yourself. We got a bunch of guys who can walk you through either first & second editions, or Tribbles and specifically Lackey.

...and if you aren't interested in playing yet - atleast come say hi and make some new chums. We talk about everything and can answer any questions you may have especially when the message boards around here seem lifeless and cold!

*Use this link here to sign up!
*Use this link here to log into your account once signed up!
*Don't forget to download the mobile app!
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Thanks for your kind welcoming words! :)
Iron Prime wrote:We don't currently have any rules or dedicated introductory forums/threads that I am aware of. I'd say do what you want.
OK! Here goes. :D

So, I'm new to this place. Well, new to posting, at least. I'm actually not new to this site; I've been lurking around for over 2 years now. I made an account in 2016 to build decks, read some articles, relish in new cards, and try to learn.

But forums, for all their social intricacies -- and their addictiveness, and my structural lack of time -- are usually not really my thing. Yet since 1e (1st Edition) STCCG really is my thing, I couldn't keep away forever... And see what happens here; I am so happy to jump in the fray, that I talk too much. And in-between long rants, I disappear for weeks while I can't find my way to forum. :?

My history with the game:
I've been collecting 1eSTCCG from around 1995 (not too long after its launch). Actually, I still fondly retain my very first card -- a worn BB (black border) USS Oberth -- which I got from an acquaintance at school. I started buying some WB, myself, a while after that. I think that was during the time that Premiere '94/Alpha was sold; BB'94 was already getting scarce, then.

I occasionally enjoyed playing a few games, until around 2000 or 2002 or so -- but they were always (very) casual games. And I was confined to a small group which had its own, rather archaic, ideas of what STCCG was about. (Which was mainly Premiere-style play. :P ) I stopped buying 'regularly' in the late 90's. But I kept trading; and from the corner of my eye, I did see the emergence of 2eSTCCG.

In the mean time, our play group fell apart (due to life happening), and after 2001 or 2002 I wasn't able to find (e.g., coerce, extort or kidnap) any players -- until 2014. Since then, I've been working on a return, slowly introducing a small handful of new people (ah, some 2 individuals... or all of 3...) around me to create a new playing environment. But it works, I don't have too much time anyway.

We almost exclusively play with my decks. Surprisingly, this works well, because I have a lousy memory (for Dilemmas); and because, during play, I tell them a lot of what I do remember (about Personnel and mechanics in their decks) to even the odds.

I measure the success (or rather, a spreadsheet does that for me) of my 'group' by how often I get bested, with my own decks, by the people I taught the game myself. Of course, I do help them. But trust me, I was succesful! :wink: (I currently have a 'winning percentage' of 46%.) I can play regularly, they can win, and we all have fun! :)

Additions, 19.06.18~19.11.07.

For those seeking more or particular information about/from me: For my own, future reference:

My signature (18.09.08~19.11.08) wrote:LLAP & Qapla' -- RIF![hidden]:borg:
Subcommand: [SCN] Assembly Drone, Twenty-Nine Hundred Twenty-Eight Four-Thousand Thirty-Eight Of Eighty-Nine Hundred Twenty-Six.
Flogger .Of. Dead Horses.
Couldn't resist talking to the legendary Commandeur.[/hidden] (Something about me & my game preferences.)
My signature (19.11.11~present) wrote:
Can'tDriveFactorFive wrote:My brain always tries to read your name as "Sudden Qapla'!"
Last edited by SudenKapala on Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:17 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
LORE wrote:If you let us know your local area and what games you like to play
Oh, I should still do those!

I'm from the New Bajor region, around the northern vicinity of Belgium.

I did put a 'flag' on that interactive map tool, a few years ago. However, I planted it fairly randomly, I think a bit too far north. Which, by global distance standards, doesn't really matter much! :P

And, at present, none of my browsers show the map -- is that a general issue? And/or, does it have something to do with new privacy regulations?
Last edited by SudenKapala on Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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