... Besides Trek?
(You may choose multiple!)
I only put up a select few, and then only the so-called harder-sci fi things (and Star Wars, because while I consider its genre to be more fantasy than SF, it does have a lot of SF hardware and setting).
I love all of those options with reckless abandon -- some a bit more reckless than other, but still -- except:
- BSG TOS. I can't stomach the datedness (is that a word?) of that show.
- StarGate. I want to like it. I do like parts of it. And I love the size of its universe. But... well, it's a long story.
- Matrix, I love the cerebral and dramatic (character) parts, although overdone at times. But its biggest flaw for me is the large part that the action takes. The story and settings are great, IMO.
- Transformers, I actually don't like the animated series so much anymore. But in their own genre (action action action) I did enjoy the live action movi--BBBOOOOOMMMM!--ies; aside from the high action content there is some characterization and a lot of quirky humour.
But since this -- liking the movies and not the series -- is prolly a controversial stance, I'll not click the option. Unless you convince me otherwise.
And, OK, the quip about 2001/2010 has a nasty condescending tone to it -- that's mostly a joke, of course. But I hate how just-as-condescendingly people react to it, when I try to discuss the scope of its universe with them. They want to stick to Kubrick's film only, even when I tell them that the 4 books as well as the second film are absolutely genius.
"It doesn't have to be explained / it can't be explained / I do't want to see a sequel, it can only be bad".
Yes, 2010 is not the masterpiece that 2001 was. But it's a very good film, and its only downside for me is its datedness due to Cold War elements (that were present, albeit more subtly, in 2001 as well; but 2010 calls for its inclusion more, due to on-board conflict -- which pales in comparison to the mystery of what the Monolith Builders are doing near Jupiter). Go watch it. Or better -- click that poll checkmark, and make me happy to see that you love the franchise!
I'm curious to see which other universes get the highest scores from y'all.
(*: I thought about this for 24h, but with all the great film & TV series, you can't mention all. Nor did I want to. But I prolly forgot stuff that I really like too.)
(You may choose multiple!)
I only put up a select few, and then only the so-called harder-sci fi things (and Star Wars, because while I consider its genre to be more fantasy than SF, it does have a lot of SF hardware and setting).
I love all of those options with reckless abandon -- some a bit more reckless than other, but still -- except:
- BSG TOS. I can't stomach the datedness (is that a word?) of that show.
- StarGate. I want to like it. I do like parts of it. And I love the size of its universe. But... well, it's a long story.
- Matrix, I love the cerebral and dramatic (character) parts, although overdone at times. But its biggest flaw for me is the large part that the action takes. The story and settings are great, IMO.
- Transformers, I actually don't like the animated series so much anymore. But in their own genre (action action action) I did enjoy the live action movi--BBBOOOOOMMMM!--ies; aside from the high action content there is some characterization and a lot of quirky humour.
But since this -- liking the movies and not the series -- is prolly a controversial stance, I'll not click the option. Unless you convince me otherwise.
And, OK, the quip about 2001/2010 has a nasty condescending tone to it -- that's mostly a joke, of course. But I hate how just-as-condescendingly people react to it, when I try to discuss the scope of its universe with them. They want to stick to Kubrick's film only, even when I tell them that the 4 books as well as the second film are absolutely genius.
"It doesn't have to be explained / it can't be explained / I do't want to see a sequel, it can only be bad".
Yes, 2010 is not the masterpiece that 2001 was. But it's a very good film, and its only downside for me is its datedness due to Cold War elements (that were present, albeit more subtly, in 2001 as well; but 2010 calls for its inclusion more, due to on-board conflict -- which pales in comparison to the mystery of what the Monolith Builders are doing near Jupiter). Go watch it. Or better -- click that poll checkmark, and make me happy to see that you love the franchise!
I'm curious to see which other universes get the highest scores from y'all.
(*: I thought about this for 24h, but with all the great film & TV series, you can't mention all. Nor did I want to. But I prolly forgot stuff that I really like too.)