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Which Sci-Fi multi-media franchises do you like, besides Trek?

Babylon 5
Battlestar Galactica (original)
Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined)
The Matrix
Space: Above And Beyond
A Space Odyssey (only counts if you've seen both films and read at least 2 books)
Star Wars
Starship Troopers
other (please specify; AKA "y u no include this, @%!^&")*
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
... Besides Trek?

(You may choose multiple!)

I only put up a select few, and then only the so-called harder-sci fi things (and Star Wars, because while I consider its genre to be more fantasy than SF, it does have a lot of SF hardware and setting).

I love all of those options with reckless abandon -- some a bit more reckless than other, but still -- except:

- BSG TOS. I can't stomach the datedness (is that a word?) of that show.

- StarGate. I want to like it. I do like parts of it. And I love the size of its universe. But... well, it's a long story.

- Matrix, I love the cerebral and dramatic (character) parts, although overdone at times. But its biggest flaw for me is the large part that the action takes. The story and settings are great, IMO.

- Transformers, I actually don't like the animated series so much anymore. But in their own genre (action action action) I did enjoy the live action movi--BBBOOOOOMMMM!--ies; aside from the high action content there is some characterization and a lot of quirky humour.
But since this -- liking the movies and not the series -- is prolly a controversial stance, I'll not click the option. Unless you convince me otherwise.

And, OK, the quip about 2001/2010 has a nasty condescending tone to it -- that's mostly a joke, of course. But I hate how just-as-condescendingly people react to it, when I try to discuss the scope of its universe with them. They want to stick to Kubrick's film only, even when I tell them that the 4 books as well as the second film are absolutely genius.
"It doesn't have to be explained / it can't be explained / I do't want to see a sequel, it can only be bad".
Yes, 2010 is not the masterpiece that 2001 was. But it's a very good film, and its only downside for me is its datedness due to Cold War elements (that were present, albeit more subtly, in 2001 as well; but 2010 calls for its inclusion more, due to on-board conflict -- which pales in comparison to the mystery of what the Monolith Builders are doing near Jupiter). Go watch it. Or better -- click that poll checkmark, and make me happy to see that you love the franchise!

I'm curious to see which other universes get the highest scores from y'all.

(*: I thought about this for 24h, but with all the great film & TV series, you can't mention all. Nor did I want to. But I prolly forgot stuff that I really like too.)
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Oops! By adding some options, I've obviously cleared the poll's memory. :( If people had already voted, please do so again! :cheersL:

And Starship Troopers -- I like the films, haven't seen the series but want to, but the book I couldn't really get into. I finished it, but it wasn't really my taste, for what I perceived as lack of character drama.

Shoot me.

But do it in style. Do it with an M41A pulse rifle.

(Bonus points if you hear its racket ringing and singing through your head now.)
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
I liked the Matrix at one point but it went down hill FAST after that first movie.

Ditto Terminator. The original was solid and T2 was AMAZING to 12 year old me, but once that franchise entered the 21st century... No. Just, no.

So I didn't vote for either of those.

Big miss though: How do you make this poll and not include The Orville?! :shock: :o
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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Walking down the list:

Aliens is classic, but I'm not a "scary is fun" kinda person, so while I respect 1 & 2 as great movies, I'm never inclined to watch them.

Babylon 5 is sorely underrated IMO, and I think the reason is that while they don't have more "bad" episodes than an equivalent chunk of Trek, you can't ignore them in B5 because they're setting up story that is going to matter. But that's a series we'll rewatch front-to-end every few years.

Never saw enough BSG-classic to have an opinion.

nu-BSG started well and then suffered the "Mystery Box" problem (where your start your show on the premise of "ooh, what's the big secret", except that they themselves have NO IDEA either, so the series fails when they run out of excuses not to tell you. See also: Twin Peaks, Lost).

Dune... meh? I mean, it's the only other franchise I've seen where you can skip every other installment (besides classic Trek movies ;) )

Matrix is classic. We just started rewatching it last week, and that movie holds up really well for a 20-year-old film. And while movie 2&3 were less iconic, Animatrix makes up for it nicely.

Predator, meh.

SAAB I only know by reputation as good, but I never caught enough of it to have my own opinion.

Space Odyssey, meh. (Yes, it's iconic and pretty, but a little over cerebral for me.)

Stargate is great, because it never forgets that it's pulp sci-fi, which means even when it's being serious it never takes itself too seriously. (And I'll include SGU in this, even though they pulled a Voyager and cheated their premise too soon.) We own the box-cube of SG1, and I really should track down the rest.

Star Wars is fine. I go see the movies. But I've never found a book series I liked in that franchise. And most importantly, I never feel the urge to watch it again. (My kid hasn't even seen the classic three.)

Starship Troopers - are we talking the novel or the movie here? Because the novel is fine, but the movie is *brilliant*, because it is taking the piss of the novel in every. single. frame.

Terminator - meh.

Transformers - The Bay movies are trash, but I did stumble across the Prime Wars Trilogy online a while back, and Grumpy Grandpa Megatron is *chef kiss* fantastic.

Then in the "y u no include" pile:

Firefly - yes, Whedon is a shit, but that doesn't stop my homeboy Fillion from being awesome in this. (And the comics have done a great job keeping it going)

Farscape - What's not to love about this show? It has proper alien-aliens!

Red Dwarf - the unkillable sci-fi show.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Armus wrote:I liked the Matrix at one point but it went down hill FAST after that first movie.

Ditto Terminator. The original was solid and T2 was AMAZING to 12 year old me, but once that franchise entered the 21st century... No. Just, no.

So I didn't vote for either of those.

Big miss though: How do you make this poll and not include The Orville?! :shock: :o
I havent yet seen it. And AFAIK it's only a single series, and there are SO MANY good ones. I meant to include multi-media installments only, to make it easier.

Come to think of it, I really, really forgot Firefly, of which I have series, film, comics, and was even tempted to buy a patch for my kutte (but for money issues and lack of kutte space -- but there's gonna be 2001 and DS9, and IRL-space shuttle material on it!!).
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By Jono (Sean O'Reilly)
 - Delta Quadrant
Grand Nagus
Firefly/Serenity is an add for me.

BTW- You can stream Stargate SG1, Atlantis and Origins: Catherine for free on Amazon Prime in the U.S. possibly SGU too.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
AllenGould wrote:Walking down the list:
Waaaw, this is great to read, such an essay about my favourite multi-media SF-things.

I only react to the most important things to comment to for me but I was interested in all.

Aliens is classic, but I'm not a "scary is fun" kinda person, so while I respect 1 & 2 as great movies, I'm never inclined to watch them.
Babylon 5 is sorely underrated IMO
Totally, and quantifiably, untrue. A few of my friends and me love this show so much that all other underration in the world is cancelled. ( :wink: )
nu-BSG started well and then suffered the "Mystery Box" problem
Well-put! But still, I love it. Partially because of its dog-fighter-squadron content, but not all. And as I'm interested in religion and faith, that aspect was... fascinating.
Still -- you ARE right.
Dune... meh? I mean, it's the only other franchise I've seen where you can skip every other installment (besides classic Trek movies ;) )
You mean books? And/or Lynch-film or either Sci-Fi Channel series?
I have a hard time with some of the books (so far, finished #4 of originals). The few games I've sampled rock because of the setting -- as does the whole franchise.
Matrix is classic. We just started rewatching it last week, and that movie holds up really well for a 20-year-old film. And while movie 2&3 were less iconic, Animatrix makes up for it nicely.
That's about as concise as you could relay my opinion. Thx.
Space Odyssey, meh. (Yes, it's iconic and pretty, but a little over cerebral for me.)
Ooh. I forgot to mention. I'd not have loved the film as much -- or at all! -- if I hadn't read the book first (twice). And actually, it explains everything AND doing so, makes the film a heck of a lot better for me. And possible to watch even, because I know what the frak is going on.
So the movia on its own s also WAY too cerebral for me. (I mean, have you MET me!? :P )
Stargate is great, because it never forgets that it's pulp sci-fi, which means even when it's being serious it never takes itself too seriously.
Hmm. Gotta keep that in mind. Doesn't work for me yet, though.
Star Wars is fine. I go see the movies.
I don't, any more. I loved Han Solo and Rogue 1 was pretty good but for some plot holes; but the new Episodes-- by all Xenomorphs in your garden, they suck. If I think about it more, I'll have to shed my positive online persona and go all doom & gloom full metal IRL on them, proclaiming how upset and disapponted I am at them. :x :x :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
See! Look what you made me do!
So now you know. I don't appreciate everything. There really is some nasty Punisher-like sentiments in me.
Starship Troopers - are we talking the novel or the movie here?
I wrote that in another post, very nearby.
movie is *brilliant*, because it is taking the piss of the novel in every. single. frame.
And w/o blinking! :D :thumbsup:
Terminator - meh.
I don't like you anymore now, Allen. Because you don't agree with my truth.
I even, yes, like the 4th movie. A lot. It has a submarine. And the 3rd and -- less so -- the 5th are quite watchable. The series was good, but unfinished and thus my life sucks the more for it.
See elsewhere -- I also realized that I chin-ta xi hu-oy no'mi, omitting that.
Whedon is a shit
*climbs from under stone* Why? Whatti miss?
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
AllenGould wrote:
Star Wars is fine. I go see the movies. But I've never found a book series I liked in that franchise. And most importantly, I never feel the urge to watch it again. (My kid hasn't even seen the classic three.)
Ok this jumped out at me. Did you not like the original Zahn trilogy or have you just not read them? If the former, where did it fall short in your view?

I'll be the first to acknowledge that there's plenty of Blah star wars novels out there, but Heir to the Empire and its immediate followers always stuck me as a cut above everything else, to include the later Zahn novels.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
If I may -- I loved the Zahn novels. Still, I did NOT think they felt like Wars, at all. They felt... better, bigger, harder (as in Hard SF), and they had great characters (my favourite go-to villain when I want to explain why Sauron is just villainy-evil, and thus -- in a psychological respect only! -- unintersting; and Thrawn is a great antagonist because he believes he's right in the most reasonable and realistic sense. And he observes art and--).

But they didn't feel particularly Star Wars-y to me. I wonder if more peope have that.

On a side note -- I love Star Wars comics, and dislike Trek comics. Their respective universes do (not) go well with comic art.

The comics for Thrawn were (visually) great, but Tales Of The Jedi are (story-wise) awesome. TotJ Redemption mixes both and gets the prize.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Boffo97 wrote:You can also add me for Firefly/Serenity.
You chin-ta xi hu-oy no'mi** opinion, Boffo. :)

Google Translate wrote:Whufu this? This means nothing. Guy just typed some random Chinese-sounding syllables
(with a sword, Mal)
, just to prove a point. Wanted to sound smart. Pester someone else with this nonsense -- DuckDuckGo or something. You think I have nothing better to do? I translate legal texts for a living! Shoo!
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By monty42 (Benjamin Liebich)
 - Delta Quadrant
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As far as your options go I enjoyed most of these but none of them without limitations so in none of these cases it's a simple yes/no vote for me.
  • Aliens - Loved the first two, seen all the rest but never could find myself liking any of it.
  • Babylon 5 - I loved seasons 1 - 4 and most of the feature films. Season 5 drastically fell off quality wise and I really hated the ending.
  • Battlestar Old and New - I was never able to watch more than a few minutes of the original, it was just too corny for me. I was never able to get into the new one either. I didn't like the tone and non of the actors either so I quit halfway through season 1.
  • Dune - meh...
  • Matrix - The first one is a timeless masterpiece! 2 and 3 are all over the place but still a guilty pleasure of mine.
  • Predators - again meh...
  • Space: Above And Beyond - I have very little memory of this show at all. I remember quite liking it when it was on in the 90s but I haven't thought about it in probably 20 years.
  • A Space Odyssey - Something I've heard of but never watched or read any of it.
  • StarGate - The only StarGate spin off I was ever down for was SGU which I thought was fantastic. Sadly nobody else thought so and it got cancelled.
  • Star Wars - The original three are some of the best entertainment to this day. All the other movies (with the exception of Rogue One) are worth less than dogshit to me.
  • Starship Troopers - I LOVE this movie. It was so far ahead of it's time back then. One of my absolute guilty pleasures. Everything else there is in this franchise should better be covered under a shroud of silence.
  • Terminator - Much as with Aliens the first two were amazing but everything that came after was just horrible.
  • Transformers - I was a huge fan of the TV show as a kid. To this day Transformers '86 is probably the best Transformers movie ever made. I thought Michael Bays first attempt was quite good (you know, if you like Michael Bay films) but after that he just went completely off the rails with the franchise (too much focus on humans, the military and commercials).
The one franchise I'm really digging right now is The Expanse! The world building, the story telling and the attention to detail are just through the roof.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Thanks for reacting, please continue. :)

I understand the other "strayers" (those that stray behind? Can I say that?), but Dune? I mean, Dune? Dune-Dune? You know -- that Dune?

(Not these and these. Although the latter looks pretty nerdy, in a delicious way.)

I mean, I'd respect your opinions on Dune if only they wasn't so horribly lacking. Grow some taste, people! :x
( :D :wink: 8) You know me -- I do respect. Just trying to understand. Make me. (Please.))
edgeofhearing wrote:I haven’t read the books but The Expanse’s show is fantastically well done.
I really look forward to THAT. :o When it's finished. My homies say that I will love it.
monty42 wrote:a lot. :thumbsup:
So you also don't like the Starship Troopers novel? I was always a bit ashamed of that opinion of mine. Glad to see more out there, who like the 1st film better than the book.
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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SudenKapala wrote:=
Babylon 5 is sorely underrated IMO
Totally, and quantifiably, untrue. A few of my friends and me love this show so much that all other underration in the world is cancelled. ( :wink: )
As it should be. (It's also home to one of the few truly great multi-player CCGs).
Dune... meh? I mean, it's the only other franchise I've seen where you can skip every other installment (besides classic Trek movies ;) )
You mean books? And/or Lynch-film or either Sci-Fi Channel series?
I was referring to books. I think I saw the film once, never saw the series. One of those things where I read everything when I was a teen, and it never hooked me enough to want to track down related properties.
Stargate is great, because it never forgets that it's pulp sci-fi, which means even when it's being serious it never takes itself too seriously.
Hmm. Gotta keep that in mind. Doesn't work for me yet, though.
If I may - the three SG series are actually fairly different in tone, so if you're finding one to be a bit iffy, swapping to another series might be more your alley. (SG1 in particular finds it's feet a little bit in, once they embrace the fact that they don't need to be hard sci-fi.)
Terminator - meh.
I don't like you anymore now, Allen. Because you don't agree with my truth.
I even, yes, like the 4th movie. A lot. It has a submarine. And the 3rd and -- less so -- the 5th are quite watchable. The series was good, but unfinished and thus my life sucks the more for it.
Hey, I'm not saying they're *bad*. Just not my cuppa.

Whedon is a shit
*climbs from under stone* Why? Whatti miss?
This is very YMMV territory - I'm not sure exactly what I think of it in Big Scale terms - but he reportedly did not really live up to those feminist ideals he was so popular for back in the day. (Cheated on his wife, reportedly fired an actress for becoming pregnant..)
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