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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
I like avatars. I mostly like mine. But some of yours, too. What do they mean...?

Suden is interested in YOU.
Well, regarding some questions, anyway.
(#0) Which Sci-Fi multi-media franchises do you like (besides Trek)?
(#1) How often do you play 1e?
(#3) Explain your handle (forum name).
(#4) How much time do you spend with card games?

Part II:
Why did you choose your (current/previous/favourite) avatar(s)?

Bonus questions: (how) did you make it (yourself)?

My answers...
  • The 3 hammers design on blue background (see, currently, somewhere in the hidden part of my forum post signature): a compilation of at least 15 visual elements which I captured or drew myself and that mean something to me. There's a Constitution Refit saucer section blueprint in there!
  • South Park's Jared (see, also, in my signature): because I have been known to "flog dead horses" in trying to build bridges.
  • Lure of the Nexus: because I actually do like horses. And, because I'm even more fond of the bald captain, I chose this half of the card's image.
  • The orange Crystaline Entity-like thing: it was my very first avatar at the very first forum I was on, in 2002.
  • The Punisher skull (from the soundtrack cover): I like the design, the movie, and the musical score. I first made it as an avatar in 2006 for MSN. ("For what!?")
  • My own STCCG card, with the SCUBA diving pic: well, because it's one of my personas. Duh. It's riddled with inside jokes and easter eggs, and while positively Gary Stue in some respects, it also has some exagerated mitigating circumstances. I love making my own cards! Don't we all?
  • Any of the above avatars -- but with an overlay of SENTENCED's music single's cover: to show that "no one's there" (i.e., saying "AFK").

Over the decades I've used various simple layer-based tools to crop and cobble together my images, such as these -- and wallpapers. Nothing fancy. It did prepare me for reverse-engineering my own 1e layout template, with which I can -- in a very inconvenient manner -- create some card types myself, in satisfactory quality.[/hidden]
Last edited by SudenKapala on Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Executive Officer
By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
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1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
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I dress up for cons. My avatar is a pic of me as a trill from GenCon a couple of years ago. The only other story behind it is that I couldn't edit the original picture down to be small enough to upload to the site with the generic editing software I have available to me. Someone here (HoodieDM, IIRC) took the pic and got it small enough to be under the 100 kb limit for the site.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
jadziadax8 wrote:I dress up for cons. My avatar is a pic of me as a trill from GenCon a couple of years ago.
Me, too -- just not so much opportunity to do so. Actually your pic was self-explanatory to me, but still, thanks for sharing! :)
jadziadax8 wrote:The only other story behind it is that I couldn't edit the original picture down to be small enough to upload to the site with the generic editing software I have available to me. Someone here (HoodieDM, IIRC) took the pic and got it small enough to be under the 100 kb limit for the site.
Haha, that 10(!?)kb limit was a pain for me, too. Luckily I have various options to make things smaller and compare the various results.
And to my surprise, making GIFs instead of JPGs did make a difference in quality for some of my avatars! :thumbsup:
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By Boffo97 (Dave Hines)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Retired Moderator
My original handle on here was EHCCGPP, which I used back on the original Decipher boards. It was short for Emergency Holographic CCG Playing Program, which I think most of us could have used from time to time if we weren't in very active communities. It was supposed to be a takeoff on the EMH (despite me missing badly on the acronym) so I just used The E.C.H.'s card image.

When I switched to the handle I use pretty much everywhere else, I switched to this avatar as I've been a big fan of the Rams for pretty much my entire life.
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By Danny (Daniel Giddings)
 - Gamma Quadrant
2E British National Runner-Up 2021
My wife and I honeymooned in Iceland, and we saw the word "Borg" a lot. I was (and still am) easily amused.
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By sexecutioner (Niall Matthew)
 - Gamma Quadrant
1E European Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
I like Borg.

I also like thrusting.

The Thrusting Drone will insert his tubule into you...

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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
sexecutioner wrote:I like Borg. (...)
Oh man, you're incorrigible... :x

But I guess I -- lierally -- asked for it. :P So, thx for explaining that-which-needed-none, haha! :wink: :thumbsup:

Also -- today, and unrelated to this topic, a new avatar forced its way unto me. (That sounds rather horrible, now I've read it.) Here's why.
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Second Edition Art Manager
By edgeofhearing (Lucas Thompson)
 - Second Edition Art Manager
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When Second Edition Premiere came out, the Gatherers really grabbed my interest. In First Edition, you generally either use a faction (and their play engine) or you don't. 2e, with its cost system, gave more interesting (to me) deckbuilding decisions - I could use individual Gatherers based on whether I needed their skills or attributes, or I could go all-in for some bonuses. Chorgan's extra skills and attributes were one such bonus, and has always been one of my favorite cards.

So I put some cards in his hand with photoshop, and made him my avatar.
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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I read Inside Star Trek, by Herb Solow and Bob Justman, where I learned that Bob Justman deliberately arranged the TOS end credits so that Herb's name would always appear in front of Balok's Puppet, hopefully making everyone on Earth associate the name "Herb Solow" with a freakish monster.

I found this amusing.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
BCSWowbagger wrote:I found this amusing.
I fully concur.
Silaran wrote:That's two.
edgeofhearing wrote:When Second Edition Premiere came out, the Gatherers really grabbed my interest (...) and made him my avatar.
You, dear sir, were not on my actually existing (but obviously far from complete) "Must... know... about their avatars! :x " list. Which was my mistake, because I have often wondered about your pic. It always seemed like Han Solo to me, in a way -- and seemed familiar in another way. But I totally missed that 2e card. (Is there a 1e version...? :o )
A while ago I thought I knew all the cards, but I've since come to the conclusion that there's still even 1e cards that I've never seen. And too busy to go back and look at all of them in succession... for now.
Good to have things to look forward to.

Great explanations, thx.
Next! :D
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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I just pick whatever image is amusing me at the moment, maybe with an amusing tag.

I don't even keep track of what I've used. I had Rocket for a bit (because I just like the expression on his face), it was the Kermit-sipping-tea for a while, and now it's Spider Jerusalem (of Transmetropolitan fame), because he's my favorite anti-hero.

Need to change my Twitter avi - it's from that old South Park "make yourself into a character" site they had ages ago, and I haven't had a fedora in ages (and have accepted that I have aged out of fedora-wearing years, even if it hadn't been co-opted by idiots).
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
AllenGould wrote:it's Spider Jerusalem
Prin wrote:That's three.
wiki wrote:He is a sarcastic, drug-addicted, foul-mouthed, troubled, bitter, but brilliant (...) most often compared to the real-life figure Hunter S. Thompson.
Huh. That's precisely how I had imagined you, although not knowing the character/book yet. ( :P :wink: ) OK, OK, and that, too. :wink:
AllenGould wrote:I had Rocket for a bit (because I just like the expression on his face)
From Guardians? He rocks. :thumbsup:
Need to change my Twitter avi - it's from that old South Park "make yourself into a character" site they had ages ago
I have that one lined up to use. Soon. Perhaps. (But it seems I've not seen enough South Park episodes... stand by on that...)
I haven't had a fedora in ages (and have accepted that I have aged out of fedora-wearing years, even if it hadn't been co-opted by idiots).
Please PM it to me Found it. (Different type of SP generator than what I used!)
I like fedoras. I have an Indiana Jones fedora -- but black. It's official merchandise though, from the 90ies.
I kind of go with Disco here (I think) -- if I like it, but it's also done by some idiots (or not), I'll still do it (and perhaps be counted among the idiots) -- because it feels good and feels like me. Is that non-conformistic? Or individual? :shifty:

Or... stupid?

(Don't answer. Especially not if your first name is Ben. :P :D :wink: )
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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SudenKapala wrote:
AllenGould wrote:it's Spider Jerusalem
wiki wrote:He is a sarcastic, drug-addicted, foul-mouthed, troubled, bitter, but brilliant (...) most often compared to the real-life figure Hunter S. Thompson.
I don't know if I'd use "brilliant" to describe either of us. The key trait of Spider is that while he's objectively a terrible person, living in a terrible world full of arguably even worse people.. he gives a damn. And all those negative personality traits become positives when you're putting the boots to the powerful and the uncaring. As the old saying goes "The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable", and Spider is a personification of that mantra.

(Also, Patrick Stewart had mentioned that he wanted to play Spider 20-odd years ago, and that would have been flatout awesome. And now that Preacher has had it's series, I suspect it's only a matter of time before we get a Transmet adaptation. Which they had best not screw up.)
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