Place to discuss Tribbles CCG
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By Nava
 - Delta Quadrant
Another very small update

we just played a game, encountered for the first time Ante and did read the rules (something only happening once in a lifetime...) - and there was no way to do what the rules required (the cards in the pot have to be facedown). So we devised an intermediate fix to allow for the pot created by an Ante Tribble:
  • Flip the card you select for the pot by right clicking and using the "Flip for Ante" function from the popup menu
  • Move the facedown card to the table
  • Add a note to that card stating your playername so that they can stay on the table and be sorted afterwards
  • Added a "Flip for Ante" card function.
For most users this update should work more or less automatically - Lackey should prompt you that a new version is available whenever you start the Tribbles plugin. If not, enter the git address given in the last post.

Please report any errors or omissions.
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By commdecker (Matthew Zinno)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
I have one error to report, and three feature requests.

E. The auto-loaded Trouble pile contains 17 troubles, and "1 BaH" instead of "...At Manheim's Lab".

1. The auto-loaded Trouble pile does come in when you select New Game. I think it would be helpful if it also appeared when you simply start Lackey or the Tribbles plugin, since that is in all other respects a new game.

2. The auto-loaded Trouble pile is not shuffled. I think it should be, like your deck (and, AFAICR, most other piles across Trek plugins).

3. The cards can only be placed on the playmat in certain grid locations. While that's a good thing (because it makes it easy to have an actual pile, with each card exactly and completely covering the one before it), the columns of the grid are too coarse. If I put two cards "next to" each other horizontally, they are separated by what looks to be two card widths. If this space could be diminished to half a card width, it would double the number of columns where cards could be placed. This is helpful at round cleanup, where the person who went out places the cards from their play pile into columns by denomination so we can count the points. And with the new set, the playmat at round end has gotten more crowded. It used to have just the cards from that winner's play pile. Now it also includes:
- the used stack of active troubles;
- each player's Fizzbin cards that don't leave their play pile (unless that player has put them in Aside instead);
- the Ante pot (which, so far, we have kept as a separate pile per player rather than labeling each card).
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By Nava
 - Delta Quadrant
commdecker wrote:I have one error to report, and three feature requests.

E. The auto-loaded Trouble pile contains 17 troubles, and "1 BaH" instead of "...At Manheim's Lab".
Confirmed - I somehow mixed up the internal numbering and hence BaH! I'll fix that asap.
commdecker wrote:1. The auto-loaded Trouble pile does come in when you select New Game. I think it would be helpful if it also appeared when you simply start Lackey or the Tribbles plugin, since that is in all other respects a new game.
Unfortunately this is not possible (at the moment). Whenever Lackey starts it seems to open an empty pane instead of employing the "New Game" mechanism. I'll talk with the developers about that.
commdecker wrote:2. The auto-loaded Trouble pile is not shuffled. I think it should be, like your deck (and, AFAICR, most other piles across Trek plugins).
Again, this feature is not available at the moment, but I'll ask about it.
commdecker wrote:3. The cards can only be placed on the playmat in certain grid locations. While that's a good thing (because it makes it easy to have an actual pile, with each card exactly and completely covering the one before it), the columns of the grid are too coarse. If I put two cards "next to" each other horizontally, they are separated by what looks to be two card widths. If this space could be diminished to half a card width, it would double the number of columns where cards could be placed. This is helpful at round cleanup, where the person who went out places the cards from their play pile into columns by denomination so we can count the points. And with the new set, the playmat at round end has gotten more crowded. It used to have just the cards from that winner's play pile. Now it also includes:
- the used stack of active troubles;
- each player's Fizzbin cards that don't leave their play pile (unless that player has put them in Aside instead);
- the Ante pot (which, so far, we have kept as a separate pile per player rather than labeling each card).
I can reduce the grid spacing a bit and would ask players to check if those new presets do fit better.

As I have to check with the developer of LackeyCCG I'll issue an update after I hear back from him, so if anyone has other requests please let me know as soon as possible.

Cheers Andreas
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By Nava
 - Delta Quadrant
Happy anniversary!!

  • 50th Anniversary set added
  • 10,000 Tribbles - Swarm added
  • Fizzbin errata
The automatic updates should work, if not please go to 'Plugins:' select startrek1e and enter as an update URL ... telist.txt

We are aware that some players get a virus warning when installing LackeyCCG. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do at the moment. I want to thank all players for reporting problems and suggesting new features - please carry on to report all errors and omissions!

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By Nava
 - Delta Quadrant
elveez wrote:one small issue I noticed, the new 1,000 Dabo has Darbo typed in both in the name and type column.
Another very small update

Changed the card title of 1,000 Dabo and card type to Dabo instead of Darbo (spoken with a very hard rolling or trilling r - add your Downfall comment in 3...2...1...).

Thanks elveez for pointing out that error!
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Tribbles Art Manager
By Kamala (Andrea Heywood-Lobban)
 - Tribbles Art Manager
Nava wrote:
elveez wrote:one small issue I noticed, the new 1,000 Dabo has Darbo typed in both in the name and type column.
Another very small update

Changed the card title of 1,000 Dabo and card type to Dabo instead of Darbo (spoken with a very hard rolling or trilling r - add your Downfall comment in 3...2...1...).

Thanks elveez for pointing out that error!
I am slightly saddened to see this corrected... it was a hoot playing with 'Darbo'.
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 - Ambassador
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Im using the below link to install the Tribbles lackey files but getting a time out error. Am I using the right link? ... telist.txt

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 - Ambassador
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bosskamiura wrote:Hi,
Im using the below link to install the Tribbles lackey files but getting a time out error. Am I using the right link? ... telist.txt

Nevermind! My fault. I noticed in previous comments that the update link as has changed to: ... telist.txt

Might I suggest update the main page with this new URL?

EDIT: Still not working! I'm getting Download Failure and Error messages in the log. Ugh! Please help!

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