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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
Since the website isn't properly recording, I went through the records and took note of all players that have earned a bye (or head start, if Tribbles) at a Continentals or Worlds event this year.

Players can earn a bye/head start that can be cashed in at any Continentals this year if they placed 1st or 2nd in any Nationals event, or if they won a Regionals event (or placed 2nd if the event had more than 10 players, which happened once). This also counts events in 2020, as there were no Continentals events held that year and the Organized Play Guide states that byes are good for the following year if that's when the next Continentals takes place. These byes are handed down to the next eligible player if the earning player has already received such a bye.

Players can earn a two-round bye (or double head start) at Worlds by winning a Continentals event in the same year. A second-place finisher earns a one-round bye or head start at Worlds.

Players can also earn a bye or head start for both Continentals and Worlds in a given year if they have reached a pre-announced threshold of Masters points in the previous year. This bye overlaps with other earned byes and does not get handed down nor cause a hand down.

I will update this list each week until North American Continentals as there still a few Regionals to be played.

The following players are eligible for a first-round bye AND a second-round bye at the 2021 First Edition World Championships:

Maggie Geppert (North American Continental Champion, 2021)

The following players are eligible for a first-round bye at the 2021 First Edition World Championships:

Sean O'Reilly (North American Continental runner-up, 2021)

The following players are eligible for a first-round bye at any Continentals in 2021:

Jason Beyer (Regional hand-down, Deep Space 9, 5/22/21)
Andrew Bowling (Regional winner, Qo'noS, 7/18/21)
Jon Carter (Regional runner-up w/14 players, Neutral Zone, 4/3/20)
Jorn Engstrom (German Nationals hand-down, 8/7/21)
Kevin Jaeger (Regional hand-down, Andoria, 6/5/21)
Sebastian Kirstein (Regional hand-down, Neutral Zone, 8/9/21)
Johannes Klarhauser (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 4/12/20)
Peter Ludwig (German Nationals winner, 7/4/20)
Niall Matthew (UK Nationals hand-down, 11/21/20)
Julius Melhardt (German Nationals runner-up, 8/7/21)
James Monsebroten (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 7/12/21)
Matthew P (Regional hand-down, Andoria, 8/8/21)
Ensign Q (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 4/2/21)
Gerald Sieber (German Nationals hand-down, 7/4/20)
Stefan Slaby (Regional winner, Borg Region, 7/24/21)
Mr.Sloan (Austria Nationals hand-down, 12/19/20)
Kris Sonsteby (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 4/3/20)
Brian Sykes (US Nationals hand-down, 7/4/20)
Jason Tang (Regional hand-down, Andoria, 10/25/20)
Tony Thrustle (UK Nationals hand-down, 11/21/20)
Paddy Tye (US Nationals runner-up, 7/4/20)
Amber Van Breemen (Regional hand-down, Ferenginar, 8/29/21)
Michael Van Breemen (Austria Nationals winner, 12/19/20)

The following players are eligible for a first-round bye AND a second-round bye at the 2021 Second Edition World Championships:

Michael Van Breemen (North American Continental Champion, 2021)

The following players are eligible for a first-round bye at the 2021 Second Edition World Championships:

Ted Reebel (North American Continental runner-up, 2021)

The following players are eligible for a first-round bye at any Continentals in 2021:

Scott Baughman (Regional winner, Sector 001, 5/16/21)
Jeremy Benedict (Regional hand-down, Andoria, 8/7/21)
Eric Bieche (Regional hand-down, Deep Space 9, 9/7/20)
Jon Carter (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 8/22/20)
Justin Ford (Regional hand-down, Ferenginar, 8/28/21)
Matthew Hayes (Regional winner, Andoria, 11/22/20)
Christopher Jansa (Regional hand-down, Neutral Zone, 7/12/21)
Benjamin Liebich (German Nationals winner, 10/10/20)
Peter Machovits (Regional hand-down, Borg Region, 10/26/20)
Julius Melhardt (Austrian Nationals runner-up, 10/25/20)
Mark Muston (Regional winner, Andoria, 6/5/21)
Steve Nelson (Regional winner, Deep Space 9, 5/22/21)
Tjark Ott (German Nationals hand-down, 10/10/20)
Marco Puelsch (Regional hand-down, Vandros IV, 6/26/21)
Michael Shea (Regional winner, Cardassia, 8/22/21)
Stefan Slaby (Austrian Nationals winner, 10/25/20)
Kris Sonsteby (Regional winner, Andoria, 10/25/20)
Oliver Thust (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 5/9/20)
Nathan W (Regional winner, Neutral Zone, 5/1/20)

The following players are eligible for a 200,000 point "head start" at the 2021 Tribbles World Championships:

Daniel Matteson (North American Continental Champion, 2021)

The following players are eligible for a 100,000 point "head start" at the 2021 Tribbles World Championships:

Sean O'Reilly (North American Continental runner-up, 2021)

The following players are eligible for a 100,000 point "head start" at any Tribbles Continentals in 2021:

Eric Bieche (Regional winner, Deep Space 9, 9/7/20)
Lillian Chan (Regional hand-down, Andoria, 8/7/21)
Richard DeLashmit (Regional winner, Ferenginar, 8/28/21)
Markus Eberlein (German Nationals winner, 10/10/20)
Kevin Jaeger (US Nationals winner, 7/17/20)
John Kinney (Regional winner, Cardassia, 6/19/21)
Benjamin Liebich (German Nationals runner-up, 10/10/20)
Julius Melhardt (Austrian Nationals winner, 10/25/20)
Sabrina Melhardt (Regional winner, Borg Region, 10/25/20)
Johannes Mette (Regional hand-down, Vandros IV, 6/26/21)
Steve Nelson (Regional hand-down, Deep Space 9, 5/22/21)
Tjark Ott (Regional winner, Vandros IV, 9/5/20)
Stefan Slaby (Austrian Nationals runner-up, 10/25/20)
Kris Sonsteby (Regional hand-down, Andoria, 6/5/21)
Last edited by OKCoyote on Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:50 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
I made major edits to this list as I forgot to take hand-downs into account! This took a little longer to compile as I had to manually award byes in order of event date, and it means a lot of names are on this list that weren't before!

I've also added results from this weekend's three Regionals in Cardassia.
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
Added last weekend's Ferenginar Regional events (new entries in italics).
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
List is updated again for what should be the final time before Continentals this weekend.

Last weekend featured no new Regionals, but the 1E and 2E online Regionals that began 8/9 ended. Sebastian Kirstein earns the hand-down bye for First Edition. In Second Edition I had to work backwards a little bit. Ted Reebel earns the hand-down in Second Edition, which passes the one originally credited to him at Cardassia Regionals down to Sean O'Reilly.

Congrats to Sebastian and Sean!
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
In this week's update, I have removed players that cashed in a bye or headstart at North American Continentals. The remainder of the list will remain active until the rest of the year, in case another Continentals is scheduled.

In addition, I have noted byes earned for Worlds by this week's Continental Champions.
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Director of Organized Play
By LORE (Kris Sonsteby)
 - Director of Organized Play
Fleet Admiral
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Champion 2024
1E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
2E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
W.C.T. Chairman's Trophy winner 2014-2015
OKCoyote wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:13 am In this week's update, I have removed players that cashed in a bye or headstart at North American Continentals. The remainder of the list will remain active until the rest of the year, in case another Continentals is scheduled.

In addition, I have noted byes earned for Worlds by this week's Continental Champions.
Thank you, Daniel! Please note, in the event a Continental Championship is not held this year in Australia or Europe due to the ongoing pandemic, that those earned byes will still be honored at the next Continental Championship. I know this is a deviation from prior years, but this is a very unique situation.
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
LORE wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:32 am
OKCoyote wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:13 am In this week's update, I have removed players that cashed in a bye or headstart at North American Continentals. The remainder of the list will remain active until the rest of the year, in case another Continentals is scheduled.

In addition, I have noted byes earned for Worlds by this week's Continental Champions.
Thank you, Daniel! Please note, in the event a Continental Championship is not held this year in Australia or Europe due to the ongoing pandemic, that those earned byes will still be honored at the next Continental Championship. I know this is a deviation from prior years, but this is a very unique situation.
You might need to be more specific for the purposes of me keeping up with this list. ALL unused byes will carry over? Just byes for players based outside North America? What about byes earned in 2020?

Also: edited the bye list because I forgot 2nd place at Continentals earns a one-round bye at Worlds.

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