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 - Beta Quadrant
The database listings for The Motion Pictures are all screwed up.

Go to IKC Amar (card 116):

The next card in the upper right corner is Son'a Battleship, which is card 124. It should be IKC Chontay, which is card 117. Likewise, card 124's previous card is IKC Amar (116), not Li'seria (card 123).

This seems to be a problem with a bunch of cards in the set, making traversal one card at a time impossible since you skip over bunches of cards. General Chang -> Krase, when it should be General Chang -> General Koord, for instance.
By harry696
 - Beta Quadrant
The links to the next and previous cards in most, if not all, the Decipher sets identified with card numbers is not based on the card number, but the card type (C, U, R, R+, UR, etc.).

In your example, the next card after 116 R is 126 R based on card type. Similarly, the previous card for 119 C is 111 C, again based on card type.

I would expect that this would be a major undertaking by the CC if they were to change all previous/next card links to be based on card numbers and not card types for the Decipher sets with card numbers.
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By Enabran
 - Beta Quadrant
2E Austrian National Second Runner-Up 2022
Yes, I already got the mistake reported on 10.10. . That seems to be difficult to fix. Or he has forgotten about it...
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Bill Toddman entry has you [Fed] leaders, but should be your [Fed]
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