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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Rather than junk up the board with individual posts every week, I'll start this thread to hold the weekly updates going forward.

The next service for the Church of Kahless will be this Sunday (May 1st, 2022) at 12PM Eastern/11AM Central Time US.

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This week's sermon: Brandy's Bluegills vs. Big Rat Remans

Glory to you, AND your house!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
I've just been informed that this week's sermon (aka game commentary) will be delivered by the one and only @The Ninja Scot Michael Van Breemen!

Don't miss this opportunity to get a (non-Corbett) world champion take on a Kitchen Table game!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Guest Preacher MVB @The Ninja Scot will be delivering this week's sermon/ commentary.

Special time: 3PM Central (4PM Eastern)

Decks: To Be Determined

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Glory to you... AND your house!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Update: Today's sermon will be "Battle of the Universe" ... Klingon Glory v1.1 vs. KCA!

Who gets out alive? Tune in to find out!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
The Church of Kahless' next regular service will be on June 5th, but there's a special service going down in about 10 minutes!

Today's sermon: The Prodigal son Cameron attempt to smash his dad with a HoF Big Rat kids deck!

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Glory to you... AND your House!
1EFQ: Love Machine

Babies. "Once each turn, stop your cou[…]

Personnel rating system


MN 2025 Gatherings

Thank you for grabbing the torch, you good man. I[…]

My flawed deck loses to Remo ML 30-65 W[…]