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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Welcome to part 2 of the European Continentals Pickem Spectacular!

We missed NACC, but some fun is better than no fun, so we're going to make Euro Continentals more interesting for everyone not attending (and those who ARE attending if they choose to participate)

The game is simple: Pick the winner, and pick the person who you think will have the biggest gain in ratings points.

Here's who's currently registered:

Julius Melhardt 1813
Benjamin Liebich 1758
Tjark Ott 1724
Jens Beilstein 1668
Sebastian Kirstein 1618
Matthias Weller 1520
Johannes Mette 1500
Markus Eberlein 1420
Carsten Weller 1270

My "Expert" Take:

Winner: After narrowly missing out on a title last week in 1e Euros, I think Julius Melhardt comes to play this week and brings his A game to take down the title. Maybe that's a chalk pick, but chalk picks are chalk for a reason.

Ratings Gain: As last week demonstrated, there's money to be made in picking a low rated player who wins a couple of games, even if they lose to a big dog along the way. Looking down the list, I like the upside that Johannes Mette presents at his 1500 rating. I think he has the ability to contend with the top tier in the field and really make some gains.

Dark Horse: Don't overlook sneaky Seppel... he knows his way around the 2e game and has the potential to win the whole thing AND cash the ratings points along the way. Fade him at your own peril!

Fade pick: For some reason, it seems like Ben Liebich has been hit or miss lately. He's hardly a bad player, and is definitely capable of winning the whole thing, but right now picking him carries more risk than it otherwise would. On the ratings front, even losing one game will tank his chances, and I could see him doing just that at some point along the way.

So there it is... get your picks in before things kick off! Good Luck! :cheersL:
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By Danny (Daniel Giddings)
 - Gamma Quadrant
2E British National Runner-Up 2021
FTW: Benjamin Liebich
Gettin' swole (biggest gains): Markus Eberlein
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By monty42 (Benjamin Liebich)
 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
2E German National Champion 2022
Winner: I'm not gonna jinx myself by picking myself. That way if I do win, I can still be annoyed with myself for not picking myself. Julius wins.

Ratings gain: Inside pick Philipp Scholz. Cuz I know what deck he's gonna play. :shifty:
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Director of Organized Play
By LORE (Kris Sonsteby)
 - Director of Organized Play
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Champion 2024
1E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
2E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
W.C.T. Chairman's Trophy winner 2014-2015
Julius to win
Mette for ratings gain
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
LORE wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:23 pm Julius to win
Mette for ratings gain
Glad to see my "expert" performance last week didn't run everybody off.

Way to have Faith of the Heart, Kris! :cheersL:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Well, anybody who picked Johannes Mette for anything cashed in, as he hit the double-header of both winning the whole thing and grabbing a giant pile of ratings points along the way!*

Big Congrats to Johannes for showing up and showing out with a fun looking [AU] [TNG] deck!

Also, congrats to myself ( :D ), @Caretaker's Guest , and @LORE for correctly calling Johannes to get the biggest ratings gain.

Looking at the entire board for both Continentals, we have a 6 way tie at 1 point each between the above 3 and @KazonPADD , @jadziadax8 , and @Hoss-Drone.

I hope everybody had fun. Thanks for playing! :cheersL:

*The ratings math looks wonky. Johannes gained +102 ratings points but his actual rating jumped from 1500 to 1742, a gain of 242 points. We may need the tech nerds to take a look at the ratings system @eberlems , @BCSWowbagger , @JeBuS (and @Maelwys ?)

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