This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
 - Alpha Quadrant
If I have Crell Moset and I use his ability to discard a personal in play, to play a Cardassian and draw 2 cards and the personal I choose is a Cardassian hologram, while I have Holographic Settlement also in play, does the discarded hologram return to my hand to be played via Moset? Does discard from play = deactivated?
1EFQ: The Biggest Day Ever

Hits: too much to name. the gorgeous art, the[…]

Love for Remastered Sets

Ba'el was shown in Premiere Remastered to be K[…]

HAHA ... Or, you somehow manage to get your hands[…]

I have put a 1E event on the calendar for Sunday[…]