Takket wrote: ↑Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:45 pm
If I play this card to downloaded Rescue Personnel, the ship I play it on has to be docked at my facility, per the requirements of Rescue Personnel, correct?
If my ship isn't docked at a facility (I just forgot...)... what happens to the cards? I think the VV:CT is invalid and returns to my hand, and RP gets shuffled back into my deck? Invalid Downloads says:
A download is invalid if the target card cannot be found in the available cards, or if, once found, the target card is required to be played but cannot be.
So, yes, this is an invalid download. Rescue Personnel is returned to its source (the draw deck), which is then shuffled. That resolves the invalid download.
Having resolved the invalid download, now you must resolve the attempted play of Versatile Vessel: Crew Transport. Since the download failed, and completing the download is one of the conditions for playing the card, the card play fails at the
legality-check step (I'm starting to think we really should just copy-paste Franklin's treatise directly into the Glossary instead of trying to do some larger more impressive change to action rules). The card play is illegal and Versatile Vessel returns to your hand.
Interestingly, if you spent your card play or a
![Special Download [DL]](https://www.trekcc.org/forum/images/smilies/icon_download.png)
to get Versatile Vessel into play, that resource is
not spent. Resources are spent if you pass the legality-check step and then lose the card. For example, if opponent responds to your normal card play of Versatile Vessel by playing Kevin Uxbridge, your normal card play is still spent.
Resources are also spent if you spend a resource to initiate an invalid download. For example, if you try to
![Special Download [DL]](https://www.trekcc.org/forum/images/smilies/icon_download.png)
Going to the Top but then realize you don't have two
![Command Star [Cmd]](https://www.trekcc.org/forum/images/smilies/icon_command.gif)
guys on a facility, GTTT returns to the deck, but the
![Special Download [DL]](https://www.trekcc.org/forum/images/smilies/icon_download.png)
is spent.
But you didn't spend a resource to initiate an invalid download here; you spent a resource to play a card, and
that card initiated a download. Your attempted card play never got past the legality-check step, either. So the net result of all this is that you go "oopsie" and suffer no consequences from your screwup, even though many players in
very similar circumstances would lose a card play from an oopsie like this.
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