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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
During a [1E-S] attempt, I hit Silent Enemy. a battle immediately ensues and under normal circumstances, my ship becomes stopped due to the battle, and the attempt ends.

However, in a recent game, my ship was Olarra and I have a Battle Bridge Door stocked with all It Must Be Destroyed, which says:

If battling a [Self] card, ATTACK bonus +4 and your ships and crews are not stopped afterwards (but may not initiate battle again this turn).

Since I am not stopped, does the attempt continue to the next dilemma, or does that battle end the attempt with my ship unstopped?
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Professor Scott wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:18 pm During a [1E-S] attempt, I hit Silent Enemy. a battle immediately ensues and under normal circumstances, my ship becomes stopped due to the battle, and the attempt ends.

However, in a recent game, my ship was Olarra and I have a Battle Bridge Door stocked with all It Must Be Destroyed, which says:

If battling a [Self] card, ATTACK bonus +4 and your ships and crews are not stopped afterwards (but may not initiate battle again this turn).

Since I am not stopped, does the attempt continue to the next dilemma, or does that battle end the attempt with my ship unstopped?
In this specific case, the battle is a sub-action of a dilemma encounter, which is a sub-action of the mission attempt. Normally you're correct that getting stopped ends the mission attempt, but since you're not stopped, I don't see any reason that the mission attempt would end. I think you keep going to next dilemma just like after you resolve any other dilemma that doesn't stop you.
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
That was my take too, but battle is confusing as it is. Any weigh-in from Rules? @BCSWowbagger
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By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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Not in a position to check docs rn, but that sounds correct to me. :thumbsup:
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