For posting text-only dream cards (no graphical cards or links to sites hosting such cards) and for speculation on future sets.
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By ORION (Brad Snyder)
 - Alpha Quadrant
Preferably a Kira persona OR could do a Bajoran infiltrator to represent the real Iliana as well. Idea obviously needs to be fleshed out.
Last edited by ORION on Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By ORION (Brad Snyder)
 - Alpha Quadrant
off the cuff quick thoughts

Cardassian/Bajoran DUAL AFFILIATION


[Baj] [SD] Resistance [SD] Honor [SD] Immune to Brainwash and Interrogation
[Car] [SD] Computer Skill [SD] Obsidian Order [DL] Tekeny Ghemor
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By ORION (Brad Snyder)
 - Alpha Quadrant
Waaaay off the cuff

Perhaps can nullify a punishment card instead of immunity above. Maybe add treachery to Cardassian as if she ended up believing the lie.
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