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By DataNoh (Chris Lund)
 - Beta Quadrant
Does relevant game text or a rule have to explicitly use the word "kill" to count as a "kill" for a card like Valuable Prisoner?

More specifically:
  1. Does requiring a player to discard a personnel for reasons other than death count as a kill? (Examples: Anaphasic Organism, Quantum Leap, Tarellian Plague Ship)
  2. Does requiring a personnel to die count as a kill? (Examples: Archer, Torture)
  3. Does being mortally wounded in battle count as a kill?
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By DataNoh (Chris Lund)
 - Beta Quadrant
Thanks! That makes sense for my first specific.

For the other two - the question is: Is causing a personnel's death (explicitly using words like "death" or "die") the same as killing them? Seems like the rules are ambiguous, but I'm leaning toward "yes". The rule you quoted has a link on the word "die" that redirects to "killed or destroyed".

Is there any other clarification for this?
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By DataNoh (Chris Lund)
 - Beta Quadrant
Takket wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 9:51 pm when you say "causing a personnel's death" do you mean a card causing it (like a dilemma, e.g. Archer), or an action/card play that a player takes? e.g. Phaser Burns
As I read it, either one. A basic definition of the word "kill" is to cause death. In either of those cases, I'd say the personnel died, and was killed. Is that a fair interpretation?
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By Takket
 - Delta Quadrant
Yes, any card the kills or dies or causes death would trigger Valuable Prisoner. A simple “discard” like Crell Mosset would not.
Last edited by Takket on Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Yes, Nineteen of Twenty is sad that Distribution Node says:

Your [TNG] Borg here share first-listed skills at highest level. Once each turn, you may discard your drone here to make your drones here all gain any skill until end of turn.
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By DataNoh (Chris Lund)
 - Beta Quadrant
That all makes sense. So is death = kill a fair connection if there's not another card involved? Like if a personnel is mortally wounded and dies, can I count it as a kill?
By Ashigaru
 - Beta Quadrant
Especially as relating to personnel battle, absolutely. From Rulebook 7.2.4, stage 6 of personnel battle.

"6. Resolution: All mortally wounded cards die." (Remainder omitted, emphasis in original.)
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