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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
With a new set comes new discussions, particularly the timing involved with the Vidiians. I go through the six cards, though bork the dilemmas, but wonder just how many counter you can save with the headquarters. If you need something in the background or you want to look into what they have to offer, give it a listen for day 1!
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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
Day 2 is a little ... different. We look at the new cards, sure, but also the older cards, specifically Vidiian attemptable missions. Just because there is a lot of new stuff coming doesn't mean you should neglect what came before. Also, discussing missions is hard when there are two personnel publicly available to discuss! Give it a listen!

For you: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ha[…]

Fixed Klingon Treaties

1E Folks - If you ever spot something like this ([…]

Juliana Tainer doesn't show up in the results wh[…]

Just remember you can't report Androids th[…]