For posting 1E deck designs for feedback from other players and members of the community.
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Dukat wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:17 am Good mornin' lad(ie)s,

just got me thinking:

What was the craziest deck idea you ever had, but you never got it working? (Missing deck flow, idea didn't work as intended ...)
Emphasis mine ⬆️

I tried to build a Museum of Kyrian Heritage deck in a Voyager-only environment. Time-traveling is a bit challenging in that pool because it can only be done with Out of Time and Ensign Jameson. She can't be downloaded and you need to TMW her to your ship since she doesn't have [1E-DQ].
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By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
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(1) Eyes in the Dark. That's it, that's the deck concept.

(2) I still think No-Hand Starfleet is cool, but it's very challenging to make it work. Part of that is power level, part of it is just all the complexity (and how one loose screw can ruin the whole thing).
BCSWowbagger wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 1:30 am ...I still think No-Hand Starfleet is cool, but it's very challenging to make it work. Part of that is power level, part of it is just all the complexity (and how one loose screw can ruin the whole thing).
-Can you elaborate on this? I know i don't play with y'all but i thought i knew enough by being a lurker to recognize basic deck styles. This one i've never heard of before.

Does it just use a ton of seed cards that allow direct reports/downloads and use card draw exchanges to fuel it, or...?
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
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Sure! The Terran Empire Starfleet faction ( [MQ] [TE] [SF] ) has a lot of cards that give a benefit if you have no cards in hand. The key card is Watch Dog, but the whole set (The Terran Empire) has a lot of cards to make it work. Long Live The Empire was also designed to support it. It's very neat, because it does actually make this faction play differently from all other factions, which, to me, is the key ingredient that justifies the faction's existence.

The problem is... well, it's really very tricky to make it strong, because the infrastructure you put on the table (and you're burning cards to do that with!) is constantly expiring and needs to be refreshed.

(I think this may have been the last time 1E attempted to directly import a 2E affiliation theme.)
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By Lobo
 - Alpha Quadrant
-Thanks, sounds really neat. Would love to watch a game where someone pilots it.

Too complicated for me to ever have tried, though. I'm no bueno.

The last tournament i played in was 2 decades ago when i was back East.

Rom beat me in the final round when i forgot to do my Devidian Door show after a report.

Granted, he would've beat me anyway, but man was i a bad player!
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
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Lobo wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:54 am -Thanks, sounds really neat. Would love to watch a game where someone pilots it.

Too complicated for me to ever have tried, though. I'm no bueno.
Pretty much everyone who has ever piloted it has lost horribly, so you'd be in good company! When @9of24 ran it and did horribly, I really blanched, because he's very good at running complicated decks, and at the end of that event he swore off the faction forever.

Still, I feel like there's something to it... just needs the right person to unlock it...
A deck I built recently was centered around the idea of starting the game with the perfect hand. It used a lot of seed cards that download something from the deck so that your deck at the beginning of the first turn consisted of only 7 cards, so you would know exactly what you draw.

It was capable of doing a massive attempt on turn 1 with 9 or 10 personnel, but that's about all it could do.

The idea really was to say, it's turn one, the first Orders phase hasn't even started yet...and I'm decked out. Now let's see how far the guys I've put into play can go! (It actually had Carlos/Dixon Hill to replenish losses, but after t1 the deck was really around the pace of play 1/draw 1.)
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
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Dukat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:52 am Do you have the decklist?
Somewhere in Lackey, prrrrooooobably. I might be able to dig it out!
Kaiser wrote:A deck I built recently was centered around the idea of starting the game with the perfect hand. It used a lot of seed cards that download something from the deck so that your deck at the beginning of the first turn consisted of only 7 cards, so you would know exactly what you draw.
Always wanted to do this, but never thought of a good justification for it.

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