Not Star Trek, but they just announced that James Earl Jones had passed, at the age of 93.
In the past, when major Star Wars actors (main cast) had passed, we've honoured our SW brothers by putting In Memorium cards up from one (or more) of the Decipher games (SW, YJ) in place of the 1e/2e cards for the day. I hope that somebody (@eberlems) can find my old over-ride code for that, and post some Vader on the front page tomorrow.

In the past, when major Star Wars actors (main cast) had passed, we've honoured our SW brothers by putting In Memorium cards up from one (or more) of the Decipher games (SW, YJ) in place of the 1e/2e cards for the day. I hope that somebody (@eberlems) can find my old over-ride code for that, and post some Vader on the front page tomorrow.

Chris Lobban
Continuing Committee - Former Chief Programmer and Message Board Administrator
My Steam Account
Continuing Committee - Former Chief Programmer and Message Board Administrator
My Steam Account