For all topic related to legitimate STCCG trades.
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Updated after a great trade with @johnyocum. Thanks again!
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
I am now offering my Haves for sale in addition to trade. See main post for current rates.
By zpac444
 - Alpha Quadrant
I'm looking for Handshake (VOY) and Jem'Hadar Warship (DOM) as many as I can get, and I need the BB Lore's Fingernail. Ive got the two BB uncommons and several BB PRE rares that you need. Let me know what you can do! Thanks so much :)

I stand corrected, throw the mind probes back into[…]


Happy birthday to @karnstein and @Jesseon !

2025 Hall of Fame Stuff

The CC released three expansions that year, includ[…]

I got the FW 100-12. Thanks for the game @doctorj[…]