For arguments sake this is a "3 draw, 3 free play" type deck. Non-
i usually end up with around 8-10 people per-free-reporting-engine and i'll sprinkle in a few people that don't report for free if i have an obvious skill gap.
but if you had, say, 10 copies of transporter phobia to try and mess with people, and a bunch of kivas to fuel card draws, well the more verbs you add, the more you dilute your pool of nouns. Anyone have a "rule of thumb ratio?"
i usually end up with around 8-10 people per-free-reporting-engine and i'll sprinkle in a few people that don't report for free if i have an obvious skill gap.
but if you had, say, 10 copies of transporter phobia to try and mess with people, and a bunch of kivas to fuel card draws, well the more verbs you add, the more you dilute your pool of nouns. Anyone have a "rule of thumb ratio?"