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By WeAreBack
 - Beta Quadrant
Feels like this card is going to (1) affect the meta, with numerous decks dropping all [1E-AU] cards (so much for my deck that used Sigmund Freud at a A New Earth...) or (2) end up eventually having to be nerfed again.

I see it as being especially dangerous for Borg playing it with adapt: negate obstruction. Are you playing a faction that is all [1E-AU] ? Great, every time you play your first card of the turn a bunch of Borg get unstopped and discard a dilemma that stopped them during the opponent's last turn. Even works for non- [1E-TNG] Borg because it is always going to be a "prior turn" when they first encountered that dilemma. Even more dangerous in the context of Smooth being legal and recent Borg decks that contain lots and lots of interrupts as a share of the deck. (see: ... ckID=34504)

At this point I'm just wondering if the nerf will end up being "once per game" or maybe removing the countdown and making it "unique per ship," so that it remains on the ship and can never affect the same ship twice.

Edit: I'm a bit confused by "You may discard" if it's discarded doesn't it undo the whole thing that makes it like End Transmission where you can't play another copy for a while?
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By Takket
 - Delta Quadrant
WeAreBack wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:06 pm Feels like this card is going to (1) affect the meta, with numerous decks dropping all [1E-AU] cards (so much for my deck that used Sigmund Freud at a A New Earth...) or (2) end up eventually having to be nerfed again.

I see it as being especially dangerous for Borg playing it with adapt: negate obstruction. Are you playing a faction that is all [1E-AU] ? Great, every time you play your first card of the turn a bunch of Borg get unstopped and discard a dilemma that stopped them during the opponent's last turn. Even works for non- [1E-TNG] Borg because it is always going to be a "prior turn" when they first encountered that dilemma. Even more dangerous in the context of Smooth being legal and recent Borg decks that contain lots and lots of interrupts as a share of the deck. (see: ... ckID=34504)

At this point I'm just wondering if the nerf will end up being "once per game" or maybe removing the countdown and making it "unique per ship," so that it remains on the ship and can never affect the same ship twice.

Edit: I'm a bit confused by "You may discard" if it's discarded doesn't it undo the whole thing that makes it like End Transmission where you can't play another copy for a while?
[Bor] have to "just encounter" a dilemma to play A:NO on it. They can't do that during their opponent's turn.
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By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
The Traveler
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
What [1E-AU] cards can my opponent play on my turn? Unstopping my cards on my opponent's turn is pretty useless, because I can't do anything with them until my turn.

I think this is going to have a limited use case. Off the top of my head:
[*]A list of [1E-AU] [1E-Int] . Some are more useful than others.
[*]People are going to be more wary of using cards like Going to the Top or the [OS]
[DL] of [1E-AU] personnel

I'm grokking the new Distortion better now.
Last edited by jadziadax8 on Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By phaserihardlyknowher (Ben Daeuber)
 - Beta Quadrant
Takket wrote:[Bor] have to "just encounter" a dilemma to play A:NO on it. They can't do that during their opponent's turn.
My understanding is that you place it on your ship during your opponent's turn, then you can discard it on your turn to unstop the ship. Am I reading that wrong? If so, you could definitly use it with A: NO.

Disregard that, I see what you are saying now. You are correct and I misread this. I made a new post to that effect.

EDIT: Just so I understand this, the sequence works like this:

1. Opponent plays a [1E-AU] card either on their turn or mine.
2. As a response, I play ET on my ship. It's got a countdown so it sticks around.
3. On my turn this card is still on my ship. My ship does a thing, then I discard ET to unstop it (or get my range back or whatever).
4. Then I do another thing.
4a. If I fail to discard it counts down at the end of my turn, discarding it.

Is that right?
Last edited by phaserihardlyknowher on Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
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1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
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2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
phaserihardlyknowher wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:46 pm
Takket wrote:[Bor] have to "just encounter" a dilemma to play A:NO on it. They can't do that during their opponent's turn.
My understanding is that you place it on your ship during your opponents turn, then you can discard it on your turn to unstop the ship. Am I reading that wrong? If so, you could definitly use it with A: NO.
Ah-ha! I see that now. Consider my prior post redacted.
By phaserihardlyknowher (Ben Daeuber)
 - Beta Quadrant
WeAreBack wrote:Great, every time you play your first card of the turn a bunch of Borg get unstopped and discard a dilemma that stopped them during the opponent's last turn. Even works for non- [1E-TNG] Borg because it is always going to be a "prior turn" when they first encountered that dilemma.
Actually, despite my previous post, someone still needs to walk me through this. Adapt: Negate Obstruction requires you to have encountered the dilemma on a previous turn. I'm not entirely sure what the new End Transmission does to charge this. If my [Bor] encounter a dilemma, get stopped, discarding ET will not allow them to use A:NO because it's the same turn. If it's a new turn, they don't need to unstop because they just played A:NO to discard the dilemma. As far as I can tell, this doesn't really change the tempo of A:NO unless I'm being very dense.
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By WeAreBack
 - Beta Quadrant
Ok, got it: "You may discard" is an ACTION for your execute orders phase that is to discard Distortion of Space/Time Continuum itself.

I was so confused by that language because there's a provision in the glossary that says that aside from cards discarded to satisfy mission requirements "All other discards (e.g., for Static Warp Bubble) come from the hand unless otherwise specified." I was seriously looking at this card like it had a cost of discarding another card from hand so that you could do this multiple times and so missed that this also moves the timing into your execute orders phase.

This makes a ton of sense. So still a massive boon for TNG Borg using Relentless if they run up against any decks based around [1E-AU].
Yet aside from not helping non-TNG Borg (my bad on that one- totally got confused there), I don't think that this makes the card any less powerful for most other decks. I feel like as long as you're already playing with something like Process Ore to let you dump cards that are totally useless and draw again, you would want several of these in a deck.
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By Dukat (Andreas Rheinländer)
 - Gamma Quadrant
1E European Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
1E German National Runner-Up 2024
Wait ...

- Okay, the interrupt goes on the ship during my opponent's turn.
- During my turn, I can then use it.

I haven't read that card this way, at all.

Very weird.

Also ...
Indeed. I think TNG Borg are way too strong, especially if played by the right people.
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By boromirofborg (Trek Barnes)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
#635249 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:17 pm So if the opponent is not playing any [1E-AU] cards, it is useless, right?
Correct. From my reading:

- [1E-AU] Dilemmas being revealed, or any other [1E-AU] seeds won't trigger because they are not played.
- You have to have non-AU ship to target
- You have to have something useful to do with that ship/away team the following turn.

So while this will pre pretty strong against the [1E-AU] affiliations ( [SF] [Vul] [TE] [OS] [CF] ), there's a lot of whiff potential.

I won 100-35 against @TyKajada

update for decks and packs

1EFQ: Love Machine

Clearly we need to have a Dating Sim mechanic […]

Personnel rating system
