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By Dukat (Andreas Rheinländer)
 - Gamma Quadrant
1E European Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
1E German National Runner-Up 2024
Hi guys,

I carefully went through the 'stopped' section of the Rulebook, but I did not find an answer.

Can stopped personnel use cards like Assassination Plot?
Such cards just require a personnel to be present, but nothing more.

The Rulebook does not say they cannot perform actions. Using a gametext on a card like above is an action.

So they should be able to use it, right?
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By Takket
 - Delta Quadrant
Yes. I find it much easier to think of stopped personnel in terms of what they can't do, rather than what they can do. If what you want to do is not on the "can't" list, then you can do it.

This has been one of the strangest things for me to get used to as I have ramped up playing much more in the last two years is the idea that stopped people can still do some things.
Specifically, stopped cards may not: move on their own power (they may be relocated by other cards), time travel, participate in an attack (they may battle defensively), get stopped again, or participate in any mission, commandeering, or scouting attempt in any way. Stopped personnel also become separated, they may not beam or walk, and they may staff ships only if the ship is also stopped.
So that's it. That's the "can't" list. Using Assassination Plot us none of those things, so have fun and use it.

See also Clarifications: What Stopped Cards Can Do (
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