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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Fritzinger wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:05 pm Wow there are some tasty options in those previous noms. TacD, digwit, RATS, remata’klan, Tain… the greatest hits before we even got to this year’s sets.
Last year was a relatively top-heavy class. This year is a target-rich environment. A lot of deserving legacy cards might have to wait another year to get a shot.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
One week left for nominations! Get them in by next Friday!

Ballot goes live Saturday morning (2/1/2025)!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
It took some consieration, but I think I have my 3.

There's a lot of good first ballot candidates this year, no doubt about that, but there's some others that have been eligible that aren't in that bother me. A lot of new stuff has been nominated, so I'm pivoting to the legacy stuff:

Tactical Disadvantage: I don't like drop-stop dilemmas that require no thought to play. This card is long past due for its gold jacket.

Kor, Courageous Governor Ok, it was funny for one year, just like the 8-pointer split, but joke's over. Let's give this guy the gold jacket he deserves and have him join his buddies. Kor doesn't deserve this kind of dishonor.

Delta Flyer, Rebuilt "Hot Rod" Voyager was meant to be alone in Space. I have no problem with the OG Flyer as a taxi, but if you're running 5SV with all of its advantages, there's something to be said for forcing some more risk. Equinox has to deal with it with a shorter stack of available people, no reason Voyager should get off easy. Put this thing in a museum for people to look at it, and let the Voyager players deal with proper challenges for their all-space decks.
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By TyKajada (Alexander Schmitz)
 - Delta Quadrant

Time to put my 3 in there after checking what's missing in the list...

Dukat, Pah-Wraith Puppet
Benjamin Sisko, Emissary of the Prophets
Xhosa, Sponsored Transport

Time that other affiliations than my favorite ones, get a kick in the nuts.. :P

Edit: Noticed that Dukat is in the list but as [NA]
So I nominate

Opaka, Healer


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