This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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By sekce31
 - Beta Quadrant
AllenGould wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:49 am Ignoring the "profit", card evaluation is a skill, which feeds into this skill-based game. If all cards work and are fine and are roughly equal, where is the skill?
The skill might be combing the cards together to make sense. That's what is the game does actually, IMO. It just does it with a subset of cards that is smaller than necessary.
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 - Alpha Quadrant
jrch5618 wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:37 pm Ba'el was shown in Premiere Remastered to be Kli/Rom. It's possible that the Ferengi and Cardassians in Premiere Remastered will be NA/Fer and NA/Car respectively.
That would have been very cool.
By Borg King
 - Beta Quadrant
I didn't think I would, but I have been enjoying the Remastered sets and I was surprised to hear that there was so much pushback that there won't be anymore after All Good Things.

I like that there are high res versions of old cards. The game and hobby for me has moved to just printing all cards for a deck (as opposed to a mix of real and virtual cards) just to keep up with all the errata, so having high res images of old cards is great.

I also like that these sets are where the massive changes come in to fix/align cards with the rest of the game. I do think there is too much errata, and while that is mostly necessary it can sometimes be a lot to keep up on wave and wave of it, so having all of it applied with template changes I think condenses it and breathes new life into these cards while still maintaining the original spirit and intent of the cards.

I think the teams have done a great job on the Remastered sets so far bringing them up to date while still being respectful of the original ideas and I hope we see some more in the future. I love new content, but fixing and bringing things into alignment to make the game more concise and uniformly structured in gameplay and appearance is a great thing!

The only downside I can think of is that actual cards won't be played anymore as updated Remastered ones might have been so drastically altered (ie: Anti-Time Anomaly) that you would need the virtual copy printed; but give the scarcity of sealed product and value hikes of individual cards, I don't think many would be playing with physical cards anymore (outside commons, uncommons, etc).

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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E British National Champion 2024
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
We haven’t said no more remastered sets ever, but at least no more in the near future! We need a break!
 - Beta Quadrant
First, massive congratulations all the way around on Premiere Remastered -- a monumental project that is the single most impressive feat I've seen the CC pull off. I love everything about it: high-resolution cards, fixing all the lore references, unbanning cards in clever and thematic ways, cleaning up gametext, and so on.

In a perfect world, I would love to see more remastered sets, but I recognize there is a massive opportunity cost to making these sets. It's evident that years of work went into Premiere Remastered, and so the question is whether our volunteers' time is better spent remastering old cards or making new ones. It's clear that the staff is tired and needs (indeed, deserves) a well-earned break; in fact I hope I'm not reading too much into Charlie's update yesterday by worrying that some of the volunteers may be burning out. (Could just be coincidence, but the "on hold" projects all sound very cool and I would be sad to see them tabled for too long.)

However, I'm always looking for ways to have my cake and eat it too. I have often thought about volunteering to help out with something around the CC; the trouble is I have a tendency to overcommit to projects. I know I don't have the bandwidth in the next few years to be a reliable team member, and don't want to be the bottleneck on anything. But I wonder: is there any room for someone like me to tinker around proposing suggestions for remastering another set (say, Alternate Universe) -- something that has no urgency or deadline, but I may have a free evening and feel inspired to go through AU cards and suggest lore cleanup or some such. Perhaps I'm not the only one in such a situation. I know releasing full sets ultimately requires a large team to coordinate on art, rules, balance, creative, etc., but how much would it help if a volunteer or three can do some initial legwork?

I know organizations look very different from the outside than on the inside, and I'll confess to having very limited knowledge of the remastering process, so my proposal might be hopelessly naive. But if there's a way to help with future remastered sets or other non-time-sensitive projects to take some burden off the "real" volunteers, I'd be happy to know!
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By JeBuS (Brian S)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
Rachmaninoff wrote:But I wonder: is there any room for someone like me to tinker around proposing suggestions for remastering another set (say, Alternate Universe) -- something that has no urgency or deadline, but I may have a free evening and feel inspired to go through AU cards and suggest lore cleanup or some such. Perhaps I'm not the only one in such a situation. I know releasing full sets ultimately requires a large team to coordinate on art, rules, balance, creative, etc., but how much would it help if a volunteer or three can do some initial legwork?
There's nothing stopping the community at-large from starting work on this in the forum. Start a thread for AU-Remastered and just start going at it. Anyone can chime in with suggestions or things they notice would create problems.

Sure, you don't get some of the tools the internal team gets. But what you do get is many many more eyeballs and brains working at the problem set.

The general tradition around here is "if you want something done, just start doing it."
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
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JeBuS wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:16 pm The general tradition around here is "if you want something done, just start doing it."
 - Beta Quadrant
Great to hear, and I'm happy to do exactly that -- just wanted to hear that there is some chance that such a thread might lead to something, should it gather critical mass.
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Director of First Edition
By MidnightLich (Charlie Plaine)
 - Director of First Edition
1E World Runner-Up 2024
2E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Rachmaninoff wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:29 pm Great to hear, and I'm happy to do exactly that -- just wanted to hear that there is some chance that such a thread might lead to something, should it gather critical mass.
As long as you don't expect it to be done quickly. :)

By Ashigaru
 - Beta Quadrant
MidnightLich wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:47 pm
Rachmaninoff wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:29 pm Great to hear, and I'm happy to do exactly that -- just wanted to hear that there is some chance that such a thread might lead to something, should it gather critical mass.
As long as you don't expect it to be done quickly. :)

"It should LEAST a year."
"You have two months."
"If you say it will take a year, you know it will take at least 18 months. But if you say 2 months and it ends up taking 6, that's okay."

That's how it works, right? [/SARCASM!!]
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Ashigaru wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:05 pm
MidnightLich wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:47 pm
Rachmaninoff wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:29 pm Great to hear, and I'm happy to do exactly that -- just wanted to hear that there is some chance that such a thread might lead to something, should it gather critical mass.
As long as you don't expect it to be done quickly. :)

"It should LEAST a year."
"You have two months."
"If you say it will take a year, you know it will take at least 18 months. But if you say 2 months and it ends up taking 6, that's okay."

That's how it works, right? [/SARCASM!!]
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