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By Honest
 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
2E Australian Continental Champion 2019
Hey Team,

Back from holidays, so catching up on TREK gear. Please all note the 2014 Trek 2E NSW Regional Championships will be May 4th at Burwood. Details below

The 2014 NSW 2E Regional Championships

Where: Good Games
Level 1, 195a Burwood Rd
Burwood 2134
When: Sunday 4th May. 11am rego, 11.30am start. Deck lists required
Format: Standard Constructed. 5 rounds swiss
Entry: $15
Prizes: HEAPS of promos, boosters and random fun stuff up as prizes, plus a great day playing a cool game with good people up for grabs

Anyone needing to borrow cards and/or a whole deck please let me know

This is always a fun day, come get some. And for new and interested players, the best thing is that now ALL CARDS ARE PRINTABLE FOR FREE!

See you then

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By Iron Mike
 - Delta Quadrant
1E Australian National Runner-Up 2015
2E Australian National Runner-Up 2015
Scheduling a Trek tournament on Star Wars Day?

By Honest
 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
2E Australian Continental Champion 2019
Don't forget Space Goobers that the NSW Regionals is THIS SUNDAY!!!!!!!

Bring your best, bring a friend, and get ready for 5 rounds of action packed TREK excitement! Lots of Trek gear on offer as prizes, but the best prize will be a fun arvo of playing TREK with cool people

You got a friend who may be interested in trying TREK-BRING THEM! Build them a deck, show them how to play over a few beers Saturday night, and bring them Sunday! If you don't have time for the deck build thing, lemme know and I will!

See ya Sunday team!

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By Iron Mike
 - Delta Quadrant
1E Australian National Runner-Up 2015
2E Australian National Runner-Up 2015
In a bold tradition of bringing new and untested tech to a Regionals, this weekend I'll be bringing new and unused tech.
By Honest
 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
2E Australian Continental Champion 2019
Hey Space Goobers,

Sunday saw our Regional event take place, and after 5 HOT rounds of ever loving TREK goodness Shane "Lock up your Daughters" Brierley took home is 3rd (?) Regional title with his old favourite TOS/Klingon deck. The deck is a work of art, both effective and elegant at what it does, and incredibly versatile. Newly appointed AU OP manager Chompers finished second using a VERY dodgy Dominion deck, with the Peoples Champion Ensign Gibbers, piloting a saucy new wave Bajoran deck finishing third. Standings below

1st Shane 4-1 TOS/Klingon
2nd Chompers 4-1 Dodgy Odo running Dominion
3rd Ensign Gibbers 4-1 Bajor
4th Honest 3-2 Cardassians
5th Iron Mike 3-2 TOS Genetic mutants/CHula
6th Nathan Wood 2-3 TNG
7th Alex Nercassian 2-3 TNG
8th Lawrence Nguyen 2-3 Klingon
9th Neil Rasmussen 2-3 BORG
10th Walzo 2-3 DS9
11th Brother Jason 1-4 TNG

Highlights was the vibe playing TREK Sunday, it was awesome. The 4 new players Nathan, Lawrence, Neil and Alex have all got game, enthusiasm, no shortage of skill and are all cool people, its great that they have picked up the game and meshed into the group so seamlessly. Lawrence *should* have beaten me in the final round to potentially finish 4th or 5th, just a little inexperience played against him.

As you can see, a bunch of affiliations were present, TNG gets a little over represented in Sydney because its my go to deck type for new players (and my personal favourite deck). RTG seems to have helped a lot of things in just the right dosage, at least in Sydney, we'll see how it plays out over the rest of the Regionals season

Next event, and I can't wait, is May 18th at Burwood. I hope everyone can make it, Trek is in a good spot at the moment

Cheers, keep beaming

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By Iron Mike
 - Delta Quadrant
1E Australian National Runner-Up 2015
2E Australian National Runner-Up 2015
It was awesome to have those new guys. They really know their stuff, and I look forward to playing them next.

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 - Delta Quadrant
Latok wrote:seemed like a good game against Shane.
I think all of my games that Weekend were awesome. Recovering Klag with number one and nuking distant exploration with Worf were highlights though.

I do want to congratulate Gibbers on his Bajoran deck, that thing is a monster and if not for timed wins he would have won the whole thing.
 - Beta Quadrant
Shanebrier wrote:
Latok wrote:seemed like a good game against Shane.
I think all of my games that Weekend were awesome. Recovering Klag with number one and nuking distant exploration with Worf were highlights though.

I do want to congratulate Gibbers on his Bajoran deck, that thing is a monster and if not for timed wins he would have won the whole thing.
Thank you sir! That kind of comment makes me proud! I will buy you a beer at the beirmeister
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