Looking for a few cards to finish a Project Transwarp deck? Have a few extra you can spare? Help the community get more PT decks out there!
By Sonny
 - Alpha Quadrant

I am currently trying to build all the PT decks so I can start doing demos in my local shop and when I actually managed to finish my list of needs I will add it to here and will be willing to trade on a reasonable basis for the cards.

I am trying to encourage the growth of the game in my area as there are a lot of card players but only myself who plays trek.

Any advise on how to approach the subject of getting peole into the game?
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By DrNicket
 - Alpha Quadrant
Sonny wrote:Hi,

I am currently trying to build all the PT decks so I can start doing demos in my local shop and when I actually managed to finish my list of needs I will add it to here and will be willing to trade on a reasonable basis for the cards.

I am trying to encourage the growth of the game in my area as there are a lot of card players but only myself who plays trek.

Any advise on how to approach the subject of getting peole into the game?
Greetings Sonny!

I suggest you look into social/community sites like Meetup.com, as well as any game/hobby stores in your area to see if they' be willing to host you. I've had great success with cafe's pizza restaurants, and naturally, game stores.

First, you need the cards, (which you're working on), then a reliable venue (everyone needs a place to play!), then you need to get the word out.

If you can manage, I suggest putting up paper flyers on community boards (and post on digital boards both private sites and community sites like libraries and town/city government events pages.

If you build the decks, they will play!

All the best!

Be Well,


Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
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