The National Championship Events offer year-round opportunities for high level competition outside of the traditional "Road to Worlds." Find out more about a National Event near you!

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By thsch (Thomas Schneider)
 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
The Russian National Championships 2014 for Second Edition will take place in Moscow on the 12th of October 2014. The event will be organized by Andrey Larin (Cersan).

Oleg's House
Ulitsa Nametkina, House 9 Building 3,
Apt 307,
Moscow, Russia 117420


Good luck to all participants!
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By Ashbey (Anastasia Kalashnikova)
 - Delta Quadrant
Nick Korotya won the tournament for second time in a row. Congratulations!

Alexey Korolev is second, Yuri Ross (2012 Champion) is third.

Ran the update. Still having issues. Also noting […]

I won 100-35 against @TyKajada

1EFQ: Love Machine

Clearly we need to have a Dating Sim mechanic […]

Personnel rating system
