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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
Slightly less than a week to go! Well, then... finally, some official info:

[NemR] The essentials of this event can be gleaned from the event page.

[NemR] Anybody (with one of the appropriate decks) is welcome. Main premise, however: it's a tourney for beginners. (Veterans: please adjust your "competitiveness level" accordingly, or choose to join another tourney.)

[NemR] Additional rules, given the hightened probability of 'mirroring' (two opponents having the same deck):
[SD] Duplicate missions are not 'shared'! Any copies of missions will seed as separate locations, at either end of the 'growing' spaceline. (Region 'insertion' rules still apply.)
[SD] Mission 'stealing' is forbidden. Players cannot solve any of the opponent's missions!

[NemR] Below, find the definitive list of decks that are allowed to compete -- unmodified! -- in the arena.

Coming of Age: pre-constructed decks
[1E-TNG] [Fed] Federation Starter -- PDF -- List
[1E-TNG] [Rom] Romulan Starter -- PDF -- List
[1E-TNG] [Fer] Ferengi Starter -- PDF -- List
[1E-TNG] [Kli] Klingon Starter -- PDF -- List (Warning! See note* below!)
[1E-TNG] [Car] Cardassian Starter -- List (See notes** & *** below.)
[1E-TNG] [NA] Non-Aligned Starter -- List (See note** below.)

(*: The Klingon deck list, shipped with the Lackey plugin, might contain an error! Use the deck link and export the deck to Lackey! And do ask help if you could use it!)

(**: The Cardassian and Non-Aligned deck lists are not present in Lackey. As with all deck lists which are published on this website, however, they are easily exported as a simple text file, which can be loaded by Lackey. See the note in the deck lists for more details. Ask help if you need it!

(***: The [Car] deck is a bonus deck, which I'm glad to present! But due to technical reasons, it is a tad less powerfull than the other 5 decks. Choose it at your own risk, to challenge yourself!)
Last edited by SudenKapala on Fri Apr 02, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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By karnstein
 - Alpha Quadrant
Hi Suden, thanks a bunch for setting this up!

This will be my first online tournament, and I have some (newbie) questions.

Will we be using Discord for audio? If so, what should I know about finding or starting our conversations? What should I do to get started at (or before) the beginning of the tournament?

Thanks for all your help with this! I’m looking forward to it. :cheersL:
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
karnstein wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 4:04 pmWill we be using Discord for audio?
Important question, thanks.

If everybody else happens to have Discord, we might choose that, yes. (I'd have to learn how to add y'all on the fly, but I trust that'll work.)

However. The usual tool for this, has been Skype so far (for other tourneys). I feel compelled to stick to that.
Edit: we'll use Skype. Most people have it, and we must choose one.

(Myself, I felt forced to sign up for Discord, just for playing STCCG. I'm glad I have the versatility of both, now -- Skype emphasizes video quality it seems, Discord has better audio. But I also lament having to add accounts for things I'd seldomly use. I feel your pain. :lol: )

Remember, if one already has an hotmail or live or Outlook (or other MicroSoft?) address, this will also function as a Skype login! All the above are MS services, and you can login with your one address and your usual password.

I'm sorry I can't make it easier. Thanks for reminding me to post about this!
Last edited by SudenKapala on Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
We're up to 9 players! :) And some of them are brand new players (in the tournament scene, at least)!
Welcome. :cheersL:

Is there anyone else who'd like to play (max. 3 rounds), to avoid 'byes' (skipped games due to an uneven number of participants)?
The fun starts two-and-a-half hours from now!
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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
SOLlDSNACK wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:26 am I hope everyone had a great time, I couldn't make it as I overslept! My internal chronometer should have made that impossible!
Hi Snack! No prob.

This was not the worst issue. Lackey's server is/was down. Also, there we are few people who got lost on their way to the 'line, it seems. It now is a crash course in VPN (and frustration management! :lol: ) for me, and a much smaller tourney for some others.

Everybody's being really cool and helpful about it. Thanks! :thumbsup:

Also, this means we will reconvene in a new tourney, at a later time -- as far as I'm concerned. I see it as a semi-dry run. 8)

I hope/trust/expect to see you all again (and some more?) in that gig!

I will post more updates later.

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By SudenKapala (Suden Käpälä)
 - Delta Quadrant
A short* summary thus far.

(*: Who am I kidding?)

With all people who were in the event's group chat (those that were "here" a.k.a. "at the location" of the tourney 8) ), we seemed to have had a good time.

For the 3 players who got a game in via Virtual Private Networking (those who were "present" in the tourney :P ), it was a succesful first two rounds. We have already been able to declare a winner! (I won't spoil now.)

For the budding TD (me :wink: ), it was VPN 101 -- a crash course in getting the VPN program, Hamachi, to run. We did get it to work for me, too; so I should have a backup from now on.
And of course, I some good practical experience in, at running such a gig. Even if a part of it went south, there was a lot that was learnt and gained.

All the people who did not play (including those who were "in stasis", i.e. didn't attend the group chat), have been removed from the event. I decided that everything we did get to do was a bonus, because of the Lackey server being down; I felt that in this case, nobody was responsible for missed games.

Do make sure to prevent being placed in "stasis" next time -- and report for duty, though! :lol:

Hopefully everybody who was of a mind to join, will get a real game in at the continuation of this operation! We are tentatively looking at the first of May (also a saturday) :cross: , but it could be 1 or 2 weeks later.

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