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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Greetings, fellow nerds!

I received word that there was a TD gap to be filled for the planned OTF SSTTR Release event! Having been looking forward to this event myself (and having a lot of fun in the current "Star Wars style" release event), I wanted to make sure that this event went off as planned and scheduled.

So we're kicking off Friday January 28th, with each round expected to go one week (give or take), with the goal of wrapping things up by the end of February.

As this is a normal OTF tournament, games will be rated and decklists will be achievement-eligible, to include the SSTTR Release achievement - being the degenerate achievement hunter that I am, I'm pretty sure I'll have at least 8 new cards in my deck... :wink:

Based on the interest I've perceived so far, I went ahead and scheduled 4 rounds, but if we go off with 8 or fewer players, I reserve the right to shorten it to 3 rounds. On the other hand, if everybody shows up and brings a friend, and we go over 16, I'll add a 5th round, which would be a GREAT problem to have!

So what are you waiting for, a written invitation? Consider this it. Get in here, get registered and let's play with some new Star Track Cardz!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone online! :cheersL:
Last edited by Armus on Sat Jan 22, 2022 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Ensign Q wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:39 pm no deck restrictions?
Just the regular OTF ones.

It's a chance for the achievement hunters among us to get the SSTTR Release achievement before it expires, nothing more. You can play [CF] , or whatever else ( e.g., [Fer] , [1E-TNG] [Bor] , [Hir] , etc.) suits your fancy.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Caretaker's Guest wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:56 am Probably dumb question: What is necessary to get the achievement? Does Charlie's event already cover it?
Charlie's event is unsanctioned, which means you can't get ratings or achievements for it. That's one of the reasons it was decided to have two release events: Charlie's special, unsanctioned format, and a regular old OTF event that was ratings and achievement eligible.

To get the release achievement you just need to have 8 SSTTR cards in your deck.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Due to the Lackey Server issues over the last week, the current SSTTR special event is behind schedule. As such, to avoid timing conflicts, I'm pushing the start of this event back into early February. We should still be able to finish before any March tournaments kick off.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
We ended up with 10 12 players, so we'll be doing the 4 rounds as originally announced.

Without further ado, here are your Round 1 Pairings:

Michael Van Breemen (@The Ninja Scot ) vs. Julius Melhardt (@Clerasil ToB )
Stephen R Sanders (@Spock with a Goatee ) vs. HsuDoNihm (@HsuDoNihm )
Niall Matthew (@sexecutioner ) vs. John Carter (@pfti )
Joseph Wisniewski (@geraldkw ) vs. Brian Sykes (Armus)
Sebastian Kirstein (@Caretaker's Guest ) vs. Suden Kapala (@SudenKapala )
Maggie Geppert (@jadziadax8 ) vs. Paddy Tye (@KazonPADD )

While I'm announcing pairings and kicking off Round 1 today (February 4, 2022), I would like to pair the next round no later than Monday, February 14 (and earlier if possible). All cards will be played as-is, with any rules changes or errata announced for February NOT being in effect for this event.

Please reach out to me if you can't get ahold of your opponent to get a game scheduled, or if there are any issues that arise during your games. As this is a sanctioned event, with ratings points and achievements on the line, the Tournament Code of Conduct will be in effect, and it will be enforced. I would hope that no incidents arise, but if they do, I will handle them according to the OPG.

If anyone would like to join, please PM me. I'll allow new players in through Monday, February 7th, but as it would not be fair to create a bye in an event that doesn't have one, I'll only be admitting new players 2 at a time. So if you decide you want to play after all, you can, you just need to bring a friend.

Lastly, but most importantly, HAVE FUN! We're getting new cards and there's lots of possibilities out there - enjoy them!

Good luck, everyone! :cheersL:
Last edited by Armus on Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:25 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Online OP Coordinator
By pfti (Jon Carter)
 - Online OP Coordinator
Armus wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:43 pm I have one player who would like to join... any chance we can press another player into service so we have an even 12?

What's @JeBuS doing this month? @KazonPADD ?
@BCSWowbagger ?

If there are no takers, I will step asside
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By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
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I can lend you my TMP Fed deck from Charlie’s event @JeBuS . It’s just a solver, though.

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