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By boromirofborg (Trek Barnes)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Ops was a little different,, as it wasn't a complete "reprint", card for card, of a set.

So as of right now, if there was ever a card that targeted TMP Captain Spock, then there would be a need to errata the original TMP icon on to the TMP remastered.

OR, the TMP set icon is now off-limits for design space.

OR, there's a difference in gameplay if I print out a TMP Captain Spock and sleeve it, instead of choosing the higher print quality TMPR Captain Spock.

I think this is currently meaningless, and hypothetical, but I hope the design team (and rules) keep it in mind.

When it was occasional, targeted reprints, that was one thing. But when we remaster entire sets (which was a great thing), I personally believe there is no great reason to not just say that the TMPR icon == TMP icon.
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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boromirofborg wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:39 pm I think this is currently meaningless, and hypothetical, but I hope the design team (and rules) keep it in mind.
I would hope we keep in mind the hoops that had to be jumped through last time, and just remember to keep set icons off-limits for gameplay. ;)

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