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Chief Programmer
By eberlems
 - Chief Programmer
2E  National Second Runner-Up 2023
Hello everyone,

Many of you probably know LackeyCCG by now, but for those who does not, Lackey is a program to play a large variety of cards games online, using different so-called plugins. And there is, of course, a plugin for Star Trek CCG 1E as well.

The plugin is available through the automatic update feature in Lackey, you only need to enter the URL to the update-script (see below), and it will automatically update the current plugin, or download the plugin from scratch if you don't have the plugin installed since before. You can skip downloading all missing images if you like after you have re-started lackey after the initial update run, then lackey will fetch each card when you attempt to show them, but if you do want to download everything, you need to select "Download all missing card images" after lackey have been restarted (either you had an ok plugin before or not).

Here are the addresses you need:


Update from URL:
Code: Select all
Quick Install Guide

1. Open Lackey
2. Go to tab "Plugin: ..."
3. Under "AutoUpdate", enter the address "updatelist.txt" from above, where it says "Install or Update from URL!", and click the button to start update check and download.
4. Restart Lackey.
5. Go to "Preference" - "Miscellaneous" and check the Allow pre-downloading images for offline use? (optional, if you want all pictures downloaded locally).
6. Go to "Plugin: startrek1e" tab, click on the button "Download all missing card images". (optional, if you want all pictures downloaded locally).
7. Wait until Lackey says "You are done looking for all missing card images" (which might take a bit if you need to download everything) ~270MB.
8. Done!

How to play 1E in Lackey
There is a video tutorial on how to play 1E in LackeyCCG, you can find it here. This video is designed to help players learn how to navigate the Lackey plugin for First Edition. The video assumes both a familiarity with basic First Edition gameplay and that the viewer has installed the appropriate Lackey plugin, as per above instructions. Here

Latest Changes
see changelog.txt on github, latest changes are at the end.

The automatic updates should work, if not please go to 'Plugins:' select startrek1e and enter as an update URL
Code: Select all
In case you skipped several updates, it might be better to clear the files plugins/startrek1e folder and follow the "Quick Install Guide".

Using different version or extra files in the set folder usually mixes up cards for you and your opponent.

Next release
Typically Releases are bug fixes done as needed, when there is Errata or when there is a new legal Expansion on TrekCC!

Saving Decks
I prefer to save decks as .txt Files.
Your decks here  can be exported via "Export to Lackey" as a .txt file. Just place them in the plugins/startrek1e/decks Folder and they can be used in lackey. "Upload from Lackey" works the other way round.
Using the .dek format saves more than card title, and any change to cardimage, legal status will dissapear them from decks. Those cards will be completely removed if the deck is saved again.

Useful commands
Code: Select all
choose a random player
Code: Select all
/spawn Overlay Borg Blue
place a  [SCC] Borg overlay on the table
Code: Select all
/spawn Overlay Borg Green
place a  [SCN]  Borg overlay on the table
Code: Select all
/spawn Overlay Borg Red
place a  [SCD] Borg overlay on the table
Code: Select all
/spawn Overlay Borg Counterpart
place a  Counterpart Borg overlay on the table

If you have any questions, or if you cant get it to work, please report here in this topic, or PM me.

Finally, improvement suggestions, missing cards, bugs, etc, just ask here, and we'll try to answer as soon as I can. For Lackey problems, visit Forum, Facebook or Discord.

If you do want to participate in this project, the code is on github
There are ways to add scripts to cards and different Z levels.

Thanks to @scox @Nava for starting this project.
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
I am getting an error when I try to update.
Lackey Error.PNG
Lackey Error.PNG (17.6 KiB) Viewed 40732 times
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Working now. As always, thanks Markus!
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By Enabran
 - Delta Quadrant
2E European Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E Austrian National Second Runner-Up 2022
The Black holes in Lackey are out of date. The one from Fajo Collection is the old one and the VP has still the TrekCC Logo on it.
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By Takket
 - Delta Quadrant

I think after many years I'm finally ready to give Lackey a try. I have played with the interface, loaded a deck, and watch Maggie's tutorial video. Before I try something I have a few questions...

1. Since you can reveal any pile to yourself or "all", how can I know if my opponent is revealing their draw deck to themselves and "cheating" by drawing any card they want? Is this just honor system or is there some way I can tell if my opponent revealed their deck?

2. On the player list and game list (see attached photo), I see a lot of people and games that say "not installed". I'm pretty sure this is everyone on lackey playing other games, and just the people labeled "star trek 1e" are the ones I can play with, correct?

3. Your tabs in the game interface (draw deck, hand, q's tent, etc...) sometimes have two black dots, or two red dots, or both. What do these mean? Do the black dots mean I can see these cards, and red means my opponent can? This might answer my question #1......

4. Does everyone video chat over Zoom during the game?

5. OTF games in person have a 75 minute time limit. Does that apply to official tournaments played over lackey too? I ask because seems like that might not be enough time given the mechanics are a little slower than a"real life" game.

6. If I'm bored and have time to play one day, is there a "lobby" to meet up with other players looking for a game? CC? Dojo? Lackey server?
lackey picture.JPG
lackey picture.JPG (92.24 KiB) Viewed 38138 times
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Chief Programmer
By eberlems
 - Chief Programmer
2E  National Second Runner-Up 2023
Takket wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:07 pm Hi,

I think after many years I'm finally ready to give Lackey a try. I have played with the interface, loaded a deck, and watch Maggie's tutorial video. Before I try something I have a few questions...

1. Since you can reveal any pile to yourself or "all", how can I know if my opponent is revealing their draw deck to themselves and "cheating" by drawing any card they want? Is this just honor system or is there some way I can tell if my opponent revealed their deck?
Each pile shows litte signs when they can see the cards in the pile.
Black for you, red for opponent.
Changing these visibilities does appear in the log and have a sound attached to it.
2. On the player list and game list (see attached photo), I see a lot of people and games that say "not installed". I'm pretty sure this is everyone on lackey playing other games, and just the people labeled "star trek 1e" are the ones I can play with, correct?
Yes. Also there might be a message if the versions of the plugin don't match.
Games appear in different colors, matching plugin and free seats, not matching plugin, full game.
Side note: Early spectators use up player seats.
3. Your tabs in the game interface (draw deck, hand, q's tent, etc...) sometimes have two black dots, or two red dots, or both. What do these mean? Do the black dots mean I can see these cards, and red means my opponent can? This might answer my question #1......
That's the visibility of the cards in that oile. Black is you, red the opponent.
4. Does everyone video chat over Zoom during the game?
Zoom isn't very popular. I'd say Discord>Skype>rest
5. OTF games in person have a 75 minute time limit. Does that apply to official tournaments played over lackey too? I ask because seems like that might not be enough time given the mechanics are a little slower than a"real life" game.
Online games do mostly have 15 extra per game.
6. If I'm bored and have time to play one day, is there a "lobby" to meet up with other players looking for a game? CC? Dojo? Lackey server?
The Dojo #scheduling might be the fastet place to find someone to play.
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Online OP Coordinator
By pfti (Jon Carter)
 - Online OP Coordinator
The only correction is online 1E gets an extra 30 min, not 15

2E gets 15
By Foxfire
 - Alpha Quadrant
I'm not sure if it's the 1E module or generally Lackey but when I'm typing into some of the filters it brings up the Edit Notes over the Edit Filter that I was typing into.
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