This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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Director of First Edition
By MidnightLich (Charlie Plaine)
 - Director of First Edition
1E World Runner-Up 2024
2E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Hey all,

On Reddit, people often do an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) thread, where anyone can ask question and the original poster answers it. I thought it might be fun to do that here, as it's been awhile since I've done a Q&A or Office Hours. So, everyone out there:

what do you want to know?

Have a great weekend,
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Do you remember your first STCCG Rare; what was it?
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By boromirofborg (Trek Barnes)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
When you work on something at a dep level, your perspective inevitably changes. A pilot doesn't look at the sky when the same dreams as a kid playing with his paper airplanes.

So how do you keep the joy and fun of the game for yourself? How do you disconnect from the "director" to be the "player"?
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Director of First Edition
By MidnightLich (Charlie Plaine)
 - Director of First Edition
1E World Runner-Up 2024
2E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Professor Scott wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:27 pm Do you remember your first STCCG Rare; what was it?
I'm afraid I don't. I remember my first exposure to the game though. There was a game store in my small town that mostly catered to tabletop war gaming, but he did carry some card games. Magic, of course, and Star Trek, were the 2 that captured my attention. I saved up money and bought a starter and a couple packs, but after that I mostly bought singles. I know I bought the Enterprise and several of the main crew.

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Director of First Edition
By MidnightLich (Charlie Plaine)
 - Director of First Edition
1E World Runner-Up 2024
2E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
boromirofborg wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:52 pm When you work on something at a dep level, your perspective inevitably changes. A pilot doesn't look at the sky when the same dreams as a kid playing with his paper airplanes.

So how do you keep the joy and fun of the game for yourself? How do you disconnect from the "director" to be the "player"?
I admit this is something I struggle with. Most of my play time is playtesting - it's fun and helpful, but it's not the same as playing in an event. Unfortunately, the times of day that most online games happen don't align with my schedule. I do find a lot of joy in deck building, which helps.

As to your first comment, I almost always see Star Trek episodes in terms of cards or potential cards. My brain takes freeze frames, even of the new shows, and churns up a bunch of card ideas. I've gotten pretty good at catching random background people. :)

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Director of First Edition
By MidnightLich (Charlie Plaine)
 - Director of First Edition
1E World Runner-Up 2024
2E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Takket wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:30 pm Do you wish you could play more often? If so what is preventing you?
On average, I'm currently playing once a week. However, it's a playtest game. Those are fun, but require a little bit more work than a normal game of 1E - you have to track data to report back. The main reasons I don't play more outside of that are that a) there isn't a local play group and b) online tournaments tend to require playing games at times that don't work too well. I have to get up a 0530 most days, which means I tend to go to bed by 2030, and as those are West Coast times, they don't align too well with East Coast and European player's availability.

Travel was on hold for years due to COVID, and I haven't really been in a financial position lately to fly around like I would like. NACC is in Seattle this year, which is a 4 hour drive, but it's a weekend that I have other plans. :(

Getting to play more is something I'd really like to figure out.

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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
Community Contributor
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
If you go to bed at 2030, does that mean the latest you can ordinarily start a casual game of Trek (where the game can be safely dropped or saved if not won after an hour) is around 1930?

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