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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
The Return to Talos IV Series rolls on in September 2023!

We're kicking off Football season on September 1st, 2023 and we're back on the sealed deck side of things with a fan favorite classic:

Voyager Warp Speed!!

One of the most popular sealed deck formats out there, this one is real simple.

Everyone gets 1 Voyager Starter and 4 Voyager boosters.

Warp Speed Rules are in effect for this event. What does that mean?

Players build a deck with 3 missions, 10 seed cards (maximum) and 20 draw deck cards (minimum). One seed slot may be used to seed a personnel or ship at your outpost.

First player to solve a planet mission and a space mission wins! And because it's Warp Speed, no mission duplication and no attempting your opponent's missions. Similar to Modern, batch seeding of dilemmmas applies, with self-seeds encountered last.

And because it's sealed deck, no Ban list! If you pull a Delta Quadrant Spatial Scission AND enough copies of a unique person to use it AND want to spend a precious seed slot on it? Go for it.

And because it's Warp Speed, the clock is shorter: 45 minute rounds for online games.

As always, Lackey and an agreed-upon form of communication (generally Skype of Discord) are required.

A Few more notes:

1.) To date, we have had 26 unique players participate in at least one RTT4 event.
2.) Of those, 17 have played in more than one event.
3.) Of those, 11 people have earned enough RTT4 series points to qualify for the exclusive RTT4 Talosian Cage Promo, and another 3 will qualify for the foil if they participate in one more RTT4 event this year.
4.) This is event #7 of 9 scheduled. With this event, and the next two events, players still have the opportunity to qualify for the foil even if they haven't played in a single event yet, albeit they will need to earn some placement points to get there. But it's still not too late! We have some really fun events coming up and with two of the three remaining events being sealed deck, anything is possible!

One more thing: You know me, I LOVE Turnout. So to encourage participation even more than I already have, I'm re-upping my offer of the following incentive:

If we get 16 players for this event, I'll give away a Persistent Individuality WB promo randomly to one player who plays every round of this event. If we get 20 players, I'll throw in a random drawing for a SECOND Persistent Individuality, which will run me out of extras, but if we get the turnout, I will consider that a good investment.

We'll play 3 rounds unless we get 9 or more players, at which point we'll go to 4 rounds (and we'll go to 5 rounds if we get all the way to 17 players).

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the event! :cheersL:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
I'd also like to take this opportunity to reach out to the "bubble" players.

@KazonPADD Can qualify for a Talos promo by participating in one more event.
@ORION Can do the same.
@FranklinKenter Is currently playing in the Voyager-only Constructed, and if he finishes 2nd or better he'll qualify with one more event, or regardless of his Constructed finish, he'll qualify with 2 more events.
@pfti Can qualify for a promo with 2 more events if he finishes at least 3rd in one of them, or guarantee himself a foil if he plays in all 3 remaining events.
@Clerasil ToB Can qualify for a promo by participating in 2 events and finishing 2nd in at least one of them, or by playing in all 3 remaining events
@Spock with a Goatee Can qualify for a promo by playing in 2 more events.
@Pazuzu Can qualify for a promo by participating in 2 events and finishing 2nd in at least one of them, or by playing in all 3 remaining events
@DataNoh Can qualify for a promo by participating in 2 events and finishing 1st in at least one of them, or by playing in all 3 remaining events

And for the rest of the players that have played in the series:
@sexecutioner @StellarCartography @Gul Dakar @flyinhawaiian @lotjx2 @DarkSabre @Viper2525
Any of you can still qualify for a promo by participating in the remaining 3 events. It's not too late!!

I'd love to see the warehouse give out as many promos as possible for this great series, and so please consider this my personal invitation to all of you to join us for the last few events this year! :cheersL:
 - Beta Quadrant
Armus wrote: Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:33 pm I'd also like to take this opportunity to reach out to the "bubble" players.

@KazonPADD Can qualify for a Talos promo by participating in one more event.
@ORION Can do the same.
@FranklinKenter Is currently playing in the Voyager-only Constructed, and if he finishes 2nd or better he'll qualify with one more event, or regardless of his Constructed finish, he'll qualify with 2 more events.
@pfti Can qualify for a promo with 2 more events if he finishes at least 3rd in one of them, or guarantee himself a foil if he plays in all 3 remaining events.
@Clerasil ToB Can qualify for a promo by participating in 2 events and finishing 2nd in at least one of them, or by playing in all 3 remaining events
@Spock with a Goatee Can qualify for a promo by playing in 2 more events.
@Pazuzu Can qualify for a promo by participating in 2 events and finishing 2nd in at least one of them, or by playing in all 3 remaining events
@DataNoh Can qualify for a promo by participating in 2 events and finishing 1st in at least one of them, or by playing in all 3 remaining events

And for the rest of the players that have played in the series:
@sexecutioner @StellarCartography @Gul Dakar @flyinhawaiian @lotjx2 @DarkSabre @Viper2525
Any of you can still qualify for a promo by participating in the remaining 3 events. It's not too late!!

I'd love to see the warehouse give out as many promos as possible for this great series, and so please consider this my personal invitation to all of you to join us for the last few events this year! :cheersL:
I think I am out for the rest of the year. Thanks for organizing! :borg:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
We're kicking off slightly later in the day than I have planned, but hey, work is a thing... what are you gonna do?

Anyway we ended up with 12 for this event, so we're doing 4 Rounds.

I'm sending out card pools this evening. In the meantime, Here are your first round pairings:

Maggie Geppert (@jadziadax8) vs. Edwin Latrell (@Latrell)
Joe Kallstrom (@Commander Joe) vs. Jarrod Cafaro (@Takket)
Paddy Tye (@KazonPADD) vs. Niall Matthew (@sexecutioner)
Matthew P (@flyinhawaiian) vs. Matthew McCalpin (@Professor Scott)
Chris Lund (@DataNoh) vs. Joseph Wisniewski (@geraldkw)
Kris Sonsteby (@LORE) vs. Jon Carter (@pfti)

As this is a sealed event, there are two weeks for the first round to allow for deckbuilding time. As such, please try to have your round 1 games in by Sunday, September 17, 2023.

Good Luck, Everyone! :cheersL:
Last edited by Armus on Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
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jadziadax8 FW @Latrell 65-35 (or however the Warp Speed games get scored)

Thanks for the good, close game and the conversation afterwards! Welcome back. :)
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
jadziadax8 wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:56 pm jadziadax8 FW @Latrell 65-35 (or however the Warp Speed games get scored)

Thanks for the good, close game and the conversation afterwards! Welcome back. :)
If you solved Planet and Space (Thus achieving victory conditions) and in the process of doing so, scored a total of 65 points, while your opponent solved one mission and scored a total of 35 points, then you reported the result correctly.

AFAIK Warp Speed games operate on the same 100-point differential spectrum as constructed games, you just don't get to 100 usually because you tend to win first. :wink:

I HAVE had results of FW +1/FL -1 in Warp Speed tournaments I've run where the winner solved two cheap easy missions and had fewer points than their opponent's one mission they solved, so weird stuff can still happen.

Gotta love Warp Speed! :P
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By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
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Apologies for the delay. Just managed to tear Niall away from Worlds prep to a quick game! I got the FW 65-40

Good game buddy - see you Wednesday!!!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
@LORE and @pfti have requested, and received, an extension for their Round 1 game. As such, we're ready for Round 2.

Here are your Round 2 Pairings:

Matthew P (@flyinhawaiian) vs. Maggie Geppert (@jadziadax8)
Kris Sonsteby (@LORE) vs. Jarrod Cafaro (@Takket)
Paddy Tye (@KazonPADD) vs. Joseph Wisniewski (@geraldkw)
Jon Carter (@pfti) vs. Chris Lund (@DataNoh)
Joe Kallstrom (@Commander Joe) vs. Matthew McCalpin (@Professor Scott)
Niall Matthew (@sexecutioner) vs. Edwin Latrell (@Latrell)

Please try to have your Round 2 results complete by Sunday, September 24, 2023.

Good Luck, everyone! :cheersL:
Last edited by Armus on Wed Sep 20, 2023 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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