This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
We have an expansion and Drive from Work is back, with a bit of a new setup for the foreseeable future, but back nonetheless! The first episode is out and you can give it a listen for how the Cardassian deck is coming together. Give it a listen if you have the time to spare. You might find a useful resource in the show notes.
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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
Programming Note: Due to outstanding obligations, there will be no episode Thursday or Friday, but the cards will be covered eventually.
On day three, just how far can you push yourself before you're too far gone? Also, another deck that can use the card. Find out this and more here!
Counting turns

I think what's happening is that, if player 2 we[…]


Happy birthday to @arjan242 and will @NerdyByNa[…]

Austrian Nationals 2025 Draft

[Voy] [2e-Vid] [TNG] [Bor] [Rom]

Austrian Nationals 2025 Draft

[BO] [Car] [1E-Rom] [Fed] [Kli]