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When would you attend this event?

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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
Now hear this!

Players of Sector 001 would like to invite your interest in celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Trek CCG, in the heart of its creation.

This event is tentatively planned to take place in 2024 at Decipher Brewing in Charlottesville, Virginia!

The tournament is planned to be a limited PAQ-oriented format that is currently in testing. Rules would be Traditional, using original text as printed on the cards. Registered players would receive their card pools, using pre-generated sealed packs from Lackey, approximately 1-2 weeks in advance. Then, build their decks from that pool, and then bring those decks to the event to compete with.

Other side events could be added depending on interest.

Are you interested in attending this event? Please indicate your preferred timing for next year in the poll above! And please, feel free to contact me via PM if you have any questions!
Last edited by abargar7510 on Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
By D'ell
 - New Member
Definitely me!

I may be biased, I won 100-78 in our first test match. It was a lot of fun. I think this format is great for those who enjoy the PAQ era before things got too broken. It's pretty much an OTSD+ without needing to buy sealed packs.

Input on other formats is welcome. Let's make this an excellent celebration!
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By DarkSabre (Austin Chandler)
 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
I would be okay with that as one of the things to play that day. Sealed format, esp when lackey generated for PAQ era, is actually generally really bad. I would say doing ds9 sealed would be way way way better.

Personally I would prefer either decipher era rules with original text constructed using cards from Premiere through RoA or going with just straight constructed using OTF.
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
This event is now live!

It will be at Decipher Brewing Company in Charlottesville, VA on Sunday June 23rd.

The tournament will be sealed format that I created and call "Super PAQ". Two weeks before the event, registered players will receive "virtual packs" generated by Lackey: 1 Starter Deck II, 1 Enhanced Premiere, 3 Alternate Universe, and 3 Q-Continuum. Additionally all OTSD and Fajo Collection premiums can be added to your deck. Printed cards are legal.

Construct your deck ahead of time from the card pool that you receive, and bring that deck to the event!
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By Spock with a Goatee (Stephen R Sanders)
 - Beta Quadrant
This sounds amazing. I'll likely be out of the country when it happens - I think my summer break in the U.S. will be a few weeks later - but I'll spread the word to others in the area who might be interested.

Also, I love the name of the brewery. Any relation to the gaming company or just a fun coincidence?
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
Spock with a Goatee wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:46 am This sounds amazing. I'll likely be out of the country when it happens - I think my summer break in the U.S. will be a few weeks later - but I'll spread the word to others in the area who might be interested.

Also, I love the name of the brewery. Any relation to the gaming company or just a fun coincidence?
That would be awesome! The more the merrier.

No relation to the gaming company that I'm aware of. It's in the Charlottesville area which is a bit of a hike from Norfolk. We just figured, a Decipher in Virginia and the 30th anniversary, were circumstances that demanded a coming together! Especially since there doesn't appear to be any appetite for holding high level events in this area.
 - New Member
Morning! Just pre-registered for this tournament, looking forward to it, never been to one! Played back when 1E first started, (sadly) sold my original collection a while ago, but got really nostalgic and got back into it recently.

Since I've never been to a tournament I have a couple questions:
1. I have a younger son who might be interested in tagging along. Are tournaments typically pretty kid-friendly? I know this one's at a brewery, not sure if the location has any restrictions themselves.
2. Right now I exclusively play physical although I'm going to try to force myself to get used to Lackey. Will the tournament itself be played using physical cards?
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By Takket
 - Delta Quadrant
1. Can’t imagine why that would be a problem.

2. For in person tournaments people print out the cards they are going to use. There is no lackey involved.

The CC deck builder will let you print your deck, 9 cards per page. Cut them out and sleeve them with a physical card so the backs all match.
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Executive Officer
By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
The Traveler
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
Takket wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:14 pm 1. Can’t imagine why that would be a problem.

2. For in person tournaments people print out the cards they are going to use. There is no lackey involved.

The CC deck builder will let you print your deck, 9 cards per page. Cut them out and sleeve them with a physical card so the backs all match.
I made a video awhile ago about using the Premium deckbuilder. Check it out!
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
@casualphoenix That's fantastic news!

Breweries, particularly in Virginia, are very family-friendly. Some even have started adding game rooms. I don't know if that's the case at Decipher (I haven't been out there yet) but I wouldn't worry about this at all.

The only use of Lackey for this tournament will be for me to use its feature to generate "sealed packs" that you will get to build your deck from. I'll send out a text file with the results for each player about two weeks before the tournament so that they have time to build and print (if necessary) their decks. But it will be played using physical or printed cards that you bring to the event.
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
There's been some interest in doing a Modern side event. So I've added that too!
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
Sealed pools have been sent to all registered participants!
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