This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E British National Champion 2024
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
Hello all, happy Friday, and welcome to your latest Friday question!

Last weekend was UK Nationals and I had debated my deck choice long and hard in advance of the tournament, trying to weigh up all the potential options.

In the end, I settled on an updated version of a deck I’d used 10 years earlier - a TNG Klingon Death Yell deck from Worlds 2013. After dusting it off and a few modifications, I managed to pick up 3 wins (somehow)!

So my question this week: which old deck of yours could you pull off the shelf and (with minor adjustments) still do well with at a modern tournament?

From old TNG decks, Mirror Universe decks, 22nd century decks, etc which old strategies still hold up well today?

Let us know which old classics you’d consider rejuvenating!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
KazonPADD wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:48 am Hello all, happy Friday, and welcome to your latest Friday question!

Last weekend was UK Nationals and I had debated my deck choice long and hard in advance of the tournament, trying to weigh up all the potential options.

In the end, I settled on an updated version of a deck I’d used 10 years earlier - a TNG Klingon Death Yell deck from Worlds 2013. After dusting it off and a few modifications, I managed to pick up 3 wins (somehow)!

So my question this week: which old deck of yours could you pull off the shelf and (with minor adjustments) still do well with at a modern tournament?

From old TNG decks, Mirror Universe decks, 22nd century decks, etc which old strategies still hold up well today?

Let us know which old classics you’d consider rejuvenating!
I bet my 2018 Stop First Contact deck (which was based off of @bosskamiura's deck from 2014-ish) could still win a game or two. It was solid then, and there hasn't been anything released in the last decade to make it not solid now.
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By Smiley (Cristoffer Wiker)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
Hopefully non! The game should move forward. Old decks should become obsolete to force new decks being constructed.
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
Community Contributor
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
I've been meaning to modernize "Civil Defense (Or: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People)" for years now.

I already did once, for "Explorers (Or: The Four-Mission Win)," but that was in 2018, so it needs to be re-modernized!

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Star Trek CCG 1E Mystery (re)Packs

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Memory Alpha Random DC Thread

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Counting turns

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