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Chair - Charlie Plaine (MidnightLich)

The Chair of the Board of Directors is responsible for the group's agenda. They will cast the tie-breaking vote, if necessary, on any matters that the Board of Directors requires. The Chair will keep the departments coordinated, working together, and on the same page. They will also be responsible for any financial and legal issues.

  1. To continue to improve every day
  2. To support the community
  3. To ensure the community continues to thrive and grow


I started playing Trek in 2003 after the debut of 2nd Edition. When 1E was out, I'd collected the cards like mad but I'd never been able to play anyone, so I'd eventually stopped. With the debut of 2E, I was in college and in Columbus, and I was able to find a group of players. From there, I moved into running tournaments, becoming an Ambassador and then a dAgent, and finally a Level 4 Judge. I love this game and I am passionate about it's future.

Executive Officer - Maggie Geppert (jadziadax8)

The Executive Officer is responsible for providing logistical support to the entire Continuing Committee, including consulting, staffing assistance and financial planning. They will also serve as an arbiter when a conflict cannot be resolved normally. They will also act as the Chair during meetings of the Board of Directors in the case where the Chair can not do so.

  1. Run the Period of Review
  2. Be the point person for community concerns.  Respond quickly to those concerns.
  3. Make communication between the Continuing Committee and the community more consistent.
  4. Spearhead efforts to recruit and retain our player base.
  5. Work on special projects as assigned by the Chair.


I began playing Trek in the spring of 1999. I was a freshman in college at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and was hanging out a lot with my friend Denise, who I met in chemistry class. I asked her if she wanted to room with me the next year and she accepted. She told me that I would need to meet her current roommate since they were best friends, because we'd be spending a lot of time together. Denise, Cheryl and I went out for dinner at the specialty BBQ restaurant in the dorms, and soon found out that we all got along like peas and carrots. I was impressed they had read Anne McCaffrey and they learned I loved Star Trek. They introduced me to Star Trek CCG and I was hooked. We decided to get a triple room for the next year. Over the years, Denise and Cheryl have dropped out of playing, but I have carried on. After graduation from UIUC, I went to Boston University for graduate school. I became an ambassador, and along with Chris O'Connell (Brak_) gathered a good group of players from around the MA area to play regularly. After two years, I finished grad school, moved to Chicago, and became a regular here. I've played all three games, but concentrate on 2E and Tribbles these days.

So, what skills do I bring as a member of the CC? Well, first off, I am a physicist, which means I am comfortable doing all sorts of data analysis. We have a number of folks around here who are good at that sort of thing, so I feel I can simply add to their contributions in that area. I am also a teacher, so I feel I can be a real asset to figuring out ways to introduce and teach this game to new folks. As an academic, I am also well-versed in working in a bureaucracy. One skill I have acquired over the years is knowing who to go to in my school when I need to get something done. (And I do get things done at my school. Ask me some time about when I got $40,000 for my students to build a rocket.) I think this will translate well in the XO post, where I will work as the liaison between the players and the CC. I have also developed a reputation for being good at telling uncomfortable truths to the Administration at my school, and have somehow miraculously escaped unscathed. Finally, I am a very even-handed person. I like to try to see both arguments and try to work towards a compromise whenever there is a dispute.

Chief Financial Officer - Justin Ford (Resistance-is-futile)

Department of Organized Play
Director of Organized Play - Kris Sonsteby (LORE)

The Director of Organized Play is responsible for coordinating organized play worldwide; including Regional Championships, National Championships, Continental Championships, and the World Championships. They also maintain the Organized Play Guide, Code of Conduct, and the sanctioned tournament formats.

Australian OP Coordinator - Vacant
Each continent has an Organized Play Coordinator that coordinates events on that continent.
European OP Coordinator - Julius Melhardt (Clerasil ToB)

Each continent has an Organized Play Coordinator that coordinates events on that continent.

North American OP Coordinator - Michael Van Breemen (The Ninja Scot)

Each continent has an Organized Play Coordinator that coordinates events on that continent.

Online OP Coordinator - Jon Carter (pfti)

I fell in love with trek watching TNG, and later DS9, every weekend with my parents and their D&D play group (I come by my nerddom quite naturally). I started playing 1E in the PAQ era. A friend of mine had a bunch of cards (he was much more into trek. I started collecting with the purchase of a first anthology. I still have the box taped together holding part of my collection. During the late 90's we had a playgroup of about 8 at my high school and went to frequent tournaments in the Denver and Colorado Springs area. I learned to appreciate, and later love the rules, at a Colorado state tournament (which had over 40 players -- the good old days). I had stocked a Writ, but totally missed that I could use if for a self seeded Plan-net. After that I made it my mission to try to be aware of the rules interactions as possible. After moving to the Chicago area I played until 2E came out. I was frustrated by the prospect of starting over, and saddened by the simplicity of early 2E (it felt a bit to much like Young Jedi to me). In 2011 I decided to dig out my old cards and look for games, It was that time I found the CC and was excited by the state of the game. I have since dabbled in 2E and Tribbles, but 1E is still the Best. Hence, why I am excited to now work on the rules for 1E.

Department of Communications
Director of Communications - Daniel Matteson (OKCoyote)

The Director of Communications is responsible for managing the entire Department of Communications, ensuring their programs are supported and successful. They will oversee the department staffing, filling vacancies as needed, and serve as arbiter for all internal disputes.


I played Star Trek CCG from the very beginning in 1994, when my dad (who owned a trading card store in Rhode Island at the time) showed me this Star Trek card game he was selling that seemed quite popular, and bought me my first starter deck. (He also introduced me to Magic: the Gathering, but that's another story.) I played casually over the course of First Edition's history, never participating in any tournaments but considering myself more of a collector. I stopped playing on the announcement of Second Edition and switched fully to Magic, sort of forgetting the game existed for a long time. Then in late 2011, I stumbled upon the Continuing Committee while looking at Star Trek role playing game materials, and was instantly hooked again, buying up cards to collect, setting up local tournaments, teaching all my friends to play, and even branching into Second Edition. It's been a wonderful experience and I love playing and supporting this game.

Social Media Manager - Daniel Matteson (OKCoyote)

The SMM is the contact for the CC via the most common social media platforms and is responsible for maintaining our social media presence. Some of the responsibilities will include cross posting news, events, and information to social media; Ensuring the quality of the social media profiles are maintained; and Answering messages via social media.

  • Promote the Continuing Committee using our social media platforms as resources
  • Relay important information to our fans and players
  • Encourage social interaction
  • Spotlight our content creators


I played Star Trek CCG from the very beginning in 1994, when my dad (who owned a trading card store in Rhode Island at the time) showed me this Star Trek card game he was selling that seemed quite popular, and bought me my first starter deck. (He also introduced me to Magic: the Gathering, but that's another story.) I played casually over the course of First Edition's history, never participating in any tournaments but considering myself more of a collector. I stopped playing on the announcement of Second Edition and switched fully to Magic, sort of forgetting the game existed for a long time. Then in late 2011, I stumbled upon the Continuing Committee while looking at Star Trek role playing game materials, and was instantly hooked again, buying up cards to collect, setting up local tournaments, teaching all my friends to play, and even branching into Second Edition. It's been a wonderful experience and I love playing and supporting this game.

Writing Team Manager - Ross Fertel (Faithful Reader)

The Writing Team Manager is the "Editor in Chief" of The Continuing Committee. This person is in charge of the writing team, making sure we have fresh and regular content for the site, and providing proofreading and editing of everything that gets posted on the website, to ensure a consistent image.

Writing Team Manager - Daniel Matteson (OKCoyote)

The Writing Team Manager is the "Editor in Chief" of The Continuing Committee. This person is in charge of the writing team, making sure we have fresh and regular content for the site, and providing proofreading and editing of everything that gets posted on the website, to ensure a consistent image.


I played Star Trek CCG from the very beginning in 1994, when my dad (who owned a trading card store in Rhode Island at the time) showed me this Star Trek card game he was selling that seemed quite popular, and bought me my first starter deck. (He also introduced me to Magic: the Gathering, but that's another story.) I played casually over the course of First Edition's history, never participating in any tournaments but considering myself more of a collector. I stopped playing on the announcement of Second Edition and switched fully to Magic, sort of forgetting the game existed for a long time. Then in late 2011, I stumbled upon the Continuing Committee while looking at Star Trek role playing game materials, and was instantly hooked again, buying up cards to collect, setting up local tournaments, teaching all my friends to play, and even branching into Second Edition. It's been a wonderful experience and I love playing and supporting this game.

First Edition Writing Team

Produce regular and high quality content on current First Edition gameplay and strategy as well as card analysis. The primary duty of First Edition staff writers is to create dialog on the current state of the game.

Group members currently include: Johannes Klarhauser; Cristoffer Wiker; Dan Hamman; Maggie Geppert; Brian Sykes; Lucas Thompson; J; Mark; Matthew Zinno; Niall Matthew; Paddy Tye; Michael Moskop; James Monsebroten; James Heaney; ChadC;

Second Edition Writing Team

Produce regular and high quality content on current Second Edition gameplay and strategy as well as card analysis. The primary duty of Second Edition staff writers is to create dialog on the current state of the game.

Group members currently include: Richard New; Sean O'Reilly; Brian Sykes; Torbjörn Lindquist; Daniel Giddings; Lucas Thompson; Scott Baughman; Nathan Miracle; J; Fritz Meissner; Greg Dillon; Michael Shea; Benjamin Rostoker; Remo G;

Freelance Writers

Production of content for the website on an at whim regularity.

Group members currently include: Andreas Rheinländer; Derrick Marsh;
Chief Ambassador - Robin Honeycutt (robin1234)

The Chief Ambassador will be responsible for working with the various departments to provide a steady flow of information, both to and from the Ambassadors. The Chief Ambassador will ensure that Ambassadors are remaining active and will follow up on assigned tasks as needed. As needed, the Chief Ambassador will work with the Continental Coordinators to maintain necessary staffing levels.

Ambassador Corps

Ambassadors are the "field reps" of The Continuing Committee. They spread the word about TCC and it's activities, and answer player/recruit questions or point them to the proper resources. They are highly encouraged to travel around their regions and regularly attend tournaments, developing new player groups in their regions and spreadin information across their player groups in a variety of non-forum means (emails, phone, face-to-face.)

Group members currently include: Andrew Mark Alcock; Jeremy Benedict; Richard New; Kieren; Maggie Geppert; Rick Kinney; bosskamiura; Torbjörn Lindquist; Lucas Thompson; Vladimir Vrbata; Scott Baughman; Fritz Meissner; Paddy Tye; Michael Moskop; Kenneth Tufts; Michael Shea; Justin Kaufman; Ryan Sutton; Derek Marlar; Justin Ford;

Department of First Edition
Director of First Edition - Charlie Plaine (MidnightLich)

Brand Managers will guide expansions through their workflow cycles, ensuring that deadlines are being met and that the resources required for the expansion's release are available at the right times. However, the primary work of the Brand Managers will be in managing information about the expansion leading to its release: developing spoiler schedules, coordinating with Marketing to advertise the expansion, etc.


I started playing Trek in 2003 after the debut of 2nd Edition. When 1E was out, I'd collected the cards like mad but I'd never been able to play anyone, so I'd eventually stopped. With the debut of 2E, I was in college and in Columbus, and I was able to find a group of players. From there, I moved into running tournaments, becoming an Ambassador and then a dAgent, and finally a Level 4 Judge. I love this game and I am passionate about it's future.

First Edition Design Team

Members of the First Edition design team are responsible for collaborating to create cards that expand and adapt the play environment for the game. When working on an expansion, designers will meet weekly to discuss their work, review feedback, and make adjustments to cards. Otherwise, they do research on cards and concepts as well and participate in discussions about the game state.

For more information about our First Edition designers, please visit this page.
First Edition Rules Master - James Heaney (BCSWowbagger)

The Rules Master is the chair of the Rules Committee. They are the final authority for rules issues, errata issues, and the rulebook.

  1. To effectively communicate rulings to the community.
  2. To streamline the 1E rules without undermining the nuance and spirit of 1E.

First Edition Rules Committee

The First Edition rules committee works to streamline and clarify the rules of 1E. They deliberate to support the Rules Master in the following ways: creating rulings for unclear situations, ensuring new cards and errata fit within the framework of the rules, and editing existing rules documents for clarity and simplicity.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to issue impartial rulings without fear of coercion.
First Edition Creative Manager - Paddy Tye (KazonPADD)

The Creative Managers will jointly manage a single Creative Team, working on new First Edition or Second Edition expansions respectively. Members of the creative team will work on both editions, but the Creative Managers are asked to be experts in their edition (as each edition has different styles and traditions to respect). Creative Managers will work with both the Art Team and the Design & Development Teams to ensure the art, story, and game play meld into the perfect cards. In addition, they will be called upon to select story for alternate image promo cards and might be asked to provide options to Design early in the process.

Paddy Tye (a chicken-soup-vending-machine repairman) was the sole survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship. He emerged from suspended animation 3,000,000 years later, where he then took on a series of jobs including the role of the Dread Pirate Roberts. After rescuing Princess Buttercup, he then formed a tag team with Andre the Giant and spent several years running a small cafe in France helping the French Resistance. He is good friends with George Lucas and was the inspiration for the character Boba Fett. In 1997 he helped orchestrate the New Labour election campaign, but abandoned them shortly afterwards after he observed their pitiful attempts to dance to D:Ream. He spent several years as a backing dancer for Geordie pop sensations PJ and Duncan, before his health got the better of him and in 2005 he retired into a role sitting in the middle of the TARDIS console making wheezy noises to replace the special effects department. Throughout this time he has been an avid fan of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game, playing First Edition locally in his hometown of Beccles since 1994, before discovering TrekCC around 2010/2011 and playing around the UK (and beyond) ever since. He has been a member of the First Edition Creative Team since 2011, helping to add flavour to new STCCG cards. In 2016 he turned his hand to design and we haven’t been able to get rid of him since. He’s been part of design teams for the 50th Anniversary set, Broken Bow, Coming of Age, Q Who?, The Neutral Zone, Dogs of War, Second Star to the Right, Paradise Lost and Showdown: Four Lights.

Creative Development Team

The Creative team crafts card titles and lore and selects appropriate image themes to bring maximum flavor and "Trek sense" to each card.

Group members currently include: Cristoffer Wiker; David Runyon; Conno Hendriksen; Ross Fertel; Tony Thrustle; admiralgary; Stephen; Michael Shea; leekarlpalo; Suden Käpälä; TabanRen; Deet85;
First Edition Playtest Manager - James Monsebroten (Orbin)

First Edition Playtesters

Playtesters are the most important volunteers in the whole card development process. Testers work in teams, and are responsible for building desks using cards in development, playing with the cards, and reporting on the results. Each team has a lead tester that collects and files the reports on a weekly (or biweekly) basis, but all the testers participate in testing the cards.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to test without bias or interference.
First Edition Balance Manager - Dan Hamman (SirDan)


I've been a member of the Trek community for quite a while (and still have my first white border '94 set). I've been an Amabssador, a dAgent, and a tournament director all over California: Irvine, Modesto, Turlock, Fresno, San Francisco, and now San Diego and Carlsbad.

I volunteered to take the Shipping position so Charlie can focus on other important things, and to get the level of trust back up so that players and tournament directors can order with confidence.

First Edition Balance Manager - Jason Robinette (JasonRed3)

First Edition Balance Team

Members of the First Edition balance team are responsible for collaborating to maintaing the competitive balance of cards that make up the game.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to analyze and test without bias or interference.
First Edition Art Manager - Johnny Holeva (jjh)

  1. Just one. To carry on Decipher's Art Department's industry-leading legacy of outstanding graphics and the best-looking cards possible for the STCCG Community. Simple.


I've played 1E since White Border Premiere, 2E from day one. I entered the "Design the Continuing Committee Logo" Contest, won, and became the Art Director for The Continuing Committee. My dream (volunteer) job. Pretty cool.

Art Team

The First Edition Art Team works with the Art Managers to create visual solutions that enhance the First Edition and Tribbles customizable card games. The primary assignments focus on Star Trek imagery and iconography.

Group members currently include: Martin Felber; Jorn Engstrom; Tim Davidson; Ty Torres; Andrea Heywood-Lobban; Michael Shea; galactichorizon;
Tribbles Art Manager - Andrea Heywood-Lobban (Kamala)

The Tribbles Art Manager is responsible for all of the Art on the Tribbles cards.

  1. To create new visually interesting Tribbles Cards.


I am an artist, and a mother a three. I started playing 1E and 2E more than 16 years ago. Was an Ambassador with Decipher, Inc and help create several of the Star Trek RPG digital expansions. I took a break from the games (to have some kids) and re-entered the community in 2013. I am an avid Tribbles player and enjoy running Wednesday Night Online Tribbles every week. I take great pride in my work and put a lot of time and effort into every image. I hope it shows!

Department of Second Edition
Director of Second Edition - Tjark Ott (tjark)

Brand Managers will guide expansions through their workflow cycles, ensuring that deadlines are being met and that the resources required for the expansion's release are available at the right times. However, the primary work of the Brand Managers will be in managing information about the expansion leading to its release: developing spoiler schedules, coordinating with Marketing to advertise the expansion, etc.

Second Edition Rules Master - Greg Dillon (Latok)

The Rules Master is the chair of the Rules Committee. They are the final authority for rules issues, errata issues, and the rulebook.

Second Edition Rules Committee

The Second Edition rules committee works to streamline and clarify the rules of 2E. They deliberate to support the Rules Master in the following ways: creating rulings for unclear situations, ensuring new cards and errata fit within the framework of the rules, and editing existing rules documents for clarity and simplicity.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to issue impartial rulings without fear of coercion.
Second Edition Creative Manager - Jonathan (Triumph)

The Creative Managers will jointly manage a single Creative Team, working on new First Edition or Second Edition expansions respectively. Members of the creative team will work on both editions, but the Creative Managers are asked to be experts in their edition (as each edition has different styles and traditions to respect). Creative Managers will work with both the Art Team and the Design & Development Teams to ensure the art, story, and game play meld into the perfect cards. In addition, they will be called upon to select story for alternate image promo cards and might be asked to provide options to Design early in the process.

Creative Development Team

The Creative team crafts card titles and lore and selects appropriate image themes to bring maximum flavor and "Trek sense" to each card.

Group members currently include: Cristoffer Wiker; David Runyon; Conno Hendriksen; Ross Fertel; Tony Thrustle; admiralgary; Stephen; Michael Shea; leekarlpalo; Suden Käpälä; TabanRen; Deet85;
Second Edition Balance Manager - mike gillespie (durgforaday)

Second Edition Balance Team

Members of the Second Edition balance team are responsible for collaborating to maintaing the competitive balance of cards that make up the game.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to analyze and test without bias or interference.
Second Edition Playtest Manager - Ross Fertel (Faithful Reader)

Second Edition Playtesters

Playtesters are the most important volunteers in the whole card development process. Testers work in teams, and are responsible for building desks using cards in development, playing with the cards, and reporting on the results. Each team has a lead tester that collects and files the reports on a weekly (or biweekly) basis, but all the testers participate in testing the cards.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to test without bias or interference.
Second Edition Design Manager - Richard New (The Guardian)

The Lead Designer is responsible for overseeing the development of the game via the introduction of new cards. They will choose the design team for each virtual expansion, ensuring a rotating pool of talent contributes to the game.

Second Edition Design Team

Members of the Second Edition design team are responsible for collaborating to create cards that expand and adapt the play environment for the game. When working on an expansion, designers will meet weekly to discuss their work, review feedback, and make adjustments to cards. Otherwise, they do research on cards and concepts as well and participate in discussions about the game state.

For more information about our Second Edition designers, please visit this page.
Second Edition Art Manager - Lucas Thompson (edgeofhearing)

Art Team

The Second Edition Art Team works with the Art Manager to create visual solutions that enhance the Second Edition customizable card game. The primary assignments focus on Star Trek imagery and iconography.

Group members currently include: Markus Eberlein; Lucas Thompson; Tirius; Daved1864;
Second Edition Proofreading Manager - Joseph Bazemore (Cmdr Xym)

Second Edition Proofreading

Proofreaders for second Edition get a look at cards show before the release to doublecheck card data and wording.

Group members remain unidentified, so that they are able to analyse and give suggestions without bias or interference.

Department of Operations
Director of Operations - Adam Bargar (abargar7510)

UI/UX Designer - Vacant

Responsible for improving and maintaining the CC's website user interface.

  • Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness)
  • Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback
  • Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how the site should look and function
  • Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors and images
  • Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs and widgets
  • Create original graphic designs (e.g. images, badges, etc.)

Shipping Manager - Remo G (doctorjoya)

The Shipping Manager is responsible for all shipments of product and prize support.

Chief Programmer - Markus Eberlein (eberlems)

The Chief Programmer is in charge of maintaining and updating all aspects of The Continuing Committee's web presence. In addition to maintaining the systems needed to keep things running smoothly, they should always be on the lookout for new tools or ideas that could benefit the community.

Programming Team

The Programming Team helps to develop and support the entire TrekCC.org web structure, maintaining current features and adding new features as required.

Group members currently include: Charlie Plaine; Chris Lobban; Brian S; James Monsebroten; James Heaney;
Achievement Master - Rogue Shindler (SirRogue)

The Achievement Manager will be the primary point of contact for the community regarding achievements. They will work with our Web Development team to address any concerns regarding "bugs" or errors in the system, and will deal with comments from users. This individual will also monitor the system for inappropriate behavior and respond appropriately. Finally, the Achievement Manager will work with our Web Development team and our UI / UX Designer to create new achievements and to ensure that existing achievements are properly balanced.

  1. To enhance the play experience by introducing and maintaining new and interesting player goals within the game.
  2. To make Achievement requirements unambiguous and easy to understand.
  3. To make Achievements fun for everyone!

Rogue has been playing Star Trek CCG since 1E WB Premiere, and has run tournaments up and down California. Rogue became a Decipher product champion upon the release of Star Wars, but returned to playing Trek as well after the release of First Contact, and has been playing ever since. Despite moving to Boston briefly while his wife finished school, Rogue continued to be active in the Trek scene by driving to tournaments in Hartford, CT, and later teaching friends to play when 2E was released. He has been an active member of the local Trek scene since moving to San Diego in 2003, and has been gathering intelligence for you on Star Trek CCG since 2008 as one half of the on-air team of the Section 31 podcast.