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2017-11-25 - 11:00 AM
1E Constructed tournament - 2017 British National
# of Rounds:3
Entry Fee:Your Dignity
Format:Constructed - Players build their decks prior to the event.
Card Pool:Complete - All cards
Rules:Modern - The preferred rules for all [1E] events.
Special Scenario: -
Decklist Required:Y
Pre-registration Required:N
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Location and Contact Information
Tournament Director: Paddy Tye
Contact Phone #: Please login to view contact information.
Contact Email: Please login to view contact information.
Host Venue: Fanboy 3
Address: 25 Hilton St,
Manchester, Greater Manchester, M1 1EL
Other Information: Fresh off the TeamGB invasion of Worlds in Florida, will the UK players be able to defend national pride against our old continental rivals at 1E UK Nationals in Manchester?

Please note the updated address for Fanboy3!
Tournament Results
MPsPlayer NameVPsSoSDiff.CVP
Tournament Winner1VulcanFederation20Meinhard S. Rohr 11Les ciseaux
2Vulcan16alex dixon 9vulcans
3KlingonKCA12Paddy Tye 817112Oh Jeremy Korvek! V2.1
Random Prize4Starfleet12Niall Matthew 81717
5CardassianFederation10Johannes Klarhauser 617-100
6Borg10Jorn Engstrom 617-191
710Peter Ludwig 616
8Federation10admiralgary 3