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2021-03-30 - 10:00 AM
1E Constructed tournament - 2021 Online Event
(League Event - Saturday Online Trek)
# of Rounds:3
Entry Fee:Some hours you'll not get back. Also, a good mood.
Format:Constructed - Players build their decks prior to the event.
Card Pool:Limited - A subset of all cards, as determined by the tournament director
Rules:Modern - The preferred rules for all [1E] events.
Special Scenario: -
Decklist Required:Y
Pre-registration Required:Y
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Location and Contact Information
Tournament Director: Dedicated Director Suden Käpälä
Contact Phone #: Please login to view contact information.
Contact Email: Please login to view contact information.
Host Venue: Online
Address: www.TrekCC.org
Other Information: (!) ACTUAL DATE: 2021.04.03 (!)


I`m gonna run a little tourney! Long-time dream.

For my first gig (probably not One Of Many), I`m going with a very simple set-up. But one, that I`m also genuinely enthusiastic (and curious) about:
I`ll allow only the Virtual pre-constructed starter decks (i.e., TNG/The Next Gen & CoA/Coming Of Age) to compete. So, pick an affiliation you like; and maybe you can choose from 1 or 2 variants. That`s it!

The list of eligible decks will, at some point in February, be posted on forum (in the event topic).

An out-of-the-box game. Just that. No modifications to the decks allowed. (Nor needed!) No overhead, no deck building, no preparations, no hassle. Just balanced (and easy) decks, the basic rules, and a day of fun. Test your luck in the draw, prove your worth. And enjoy in a relaxed manner!

Because the idea is to create a comfortable atmosphere -- and hopefully to have time for some friendly banter -- the default online game duration will apply (105 minutes).

I aim to misbehave. I mean, I aim to join the fray. Byes be damned! (But... we`ll see about that.)

Join this Saturday`s episode of One-day Trek! Starting times:

05h00 - 5 AM - Honolulu (Pacific)
07h00 - Los Angeles (Pacific)
08h00 - Phoenix (Mountain)
09h00 - Chicago (Central)
10h00 - New York (Eastern / EST)
10h00 - Toronto (Canada)
15h00 - 3 PM - London (Greenwich / GMT)
16h00 - Brussels (New Bajor)
16h00 - Berlin (Delta Quadrant)
17h00 - 5 PM - Johannesburg (Africa)
01h00 - Brisbane (Down-Under)
04h00 - 4 AM - Auckland (Pacific)
Tournament Results
Player NameVPsSoSDiff.CVP
Tournament Winner1Christopher Dryer 12
2Liam Fox 9
3RomulanSpaceGoat 6