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2023-12-04 - 12:00 AM
2E Constructed tournament - 2023 Online Event (Return to Farpoint)
# of Rounds:3
Entry Fee:0
Format:Constructed - Players build their decks prior to the event.
Card Pool:Virtual - Only printable cards
Rules:Standard - The preferred rules for all [2E] and [TR] events.
Special Scenario: -
Decklist Required:N
Pre-registration Required:N
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Location and Contact Information
Tournament Director: Maggie Geppert
Contact Phone #: Please login to view contact information.
Contact Email: Please login to view contact information.
Host Venue: Online
Address: www.trekcc.org
Other Information: Happy 15th anniversary of The Continuing Committee! In the spirit of reflecting on the history of the CC and Second Edition, I have decided to run a Return to Farpoint series. This will be a set of online events moving us through the history of Second Edition.

This is the final event in the Return to Farpoint series, so cards through the entire CC run are allowed. For this Virtual constructed event, players will build a deck using only virtual cards (those bearing a “V” rarity) and authorized proxy cards. Authorized proxies are a special set of proxy cards comprising all missions, non‐unique personnel, and non‐unique ships. All other physical cards produced during the Decipher era from 1994 through 2007 are strictly prohibited.

Each round will be one week, starting Monday, December 4th. New round pairings will be announced each Monday. Players will play online using Lackey and an agreed-upon method of communication (Skype, Discord, etc.).
Tournament Results
Player NameVPsSoSDiff.CVP
Tournament Winner1DS9Michael Van Breemen 12Virtual Worlds
Random Prize2Terok NorChristopher Jansa 9Return to Farpoint Tournament #10
3StarfleetAdam Bargar 8Going Where My Heart Cant Take Me
4KlingonMaggie Geppert 7He's not the Messiah.
5DS9Mathew McCalpin 621DS9 Only Virtual
6FerengiMatthew Zinno 619Krem Doesn't Pay
7Terok NorRemo G 4Almond Battle