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2023-12-31 - 10:30 AM
1E Draft tournament - Andoria
# of Rounds:3
Entry Fee:$20 *
Format:Draft - Players choose cards to build a deck at the event.
Card Pool:Limited - A subset of all cards, as determined by the tournament director
Rules:Open - The original rules.
Special Scenario: -
Decklist Required:N
Pre-registration Required:N
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Location and Contact Information
Tournament Director: Kris Sonsteby
Contact Phone #: Please login to view contact information.
Contact Email: Please login to view contact information.
Host Venue: Fantasy Flight Games Center
Address: 1975 West County Road B2,
Roseville, MN 55113
Other Information: Come one come all to the 15th Annual New Years Charity Draft! Registration will start at 10:30 a.m. and the draft will start at 11 a.m. This year we are kicking it old school and going back to the beginning!

Each entrant will be given a Premiere white border starter, 2 white border Premiere booster packs, 2 Alternate Universe booster packs, and a fixed "utility pack" which will have Open Diplomatic Relations, Continuing Mission, Attention All Hands, and the various TNG play engines. From there, we will then snake draft a Siler Bordered Collectors Tin and use the collective card pool to make our draft decks.

In addition, each round will consist of "pick your poison" pairings and the ever popular "to be the man, you gotta beat the man" challenge!

* - NOTE - The entrance fee is a recommended donation, not a hard requirement, so anything you can spare will gladly be accepted. *
Tournament Results
Player NameVPsSoSDiff.CVP
Tournament Winner1FederationDan Van Kampen 11How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tox
Random Prize2RomulanJames Heaney 9FW
3RomulanFederationKris Sonsteby 9FLNow That He is 70 He Looks 69... He is Regenerating
4RomulanFederationRobert Petersen 6FWHobie's Charity Draft 2024 Deck
5KlingonJoe Kallstrom 6FL
6KlingonJason Tang 2Silver Tin Charity Draft Illegitimate Leader