Stephen R Sanders (Spock with a Goatee)
Lifetime Stats
- Highest 2E Overall Rating: 1493
- Highest 2E Constructed Rating: 1508
- Highest 2E Sealed Rating: 1484
- Highest 1E Overall Rating: 1530
- Highest 1E Constructed Rating: 1530
- Highest 1E Sealed Rating: 1500
- Longest 2E Winning Streak: 2 Games - (2009-05-25 to 2009-05-25)
- Longest 2E Losing Streak: 4 Games - (2009-06-01 to Present)
- Current 2E Streak: Losing (4 Games since 2009-06-01)
- Longest 1E Winning Streak: 3 Games - (2009-07-26 to 2009-08-09)
- Longest 1E Losing Streak: 10 Games - (2020-09-04 to 2020-12-04)
- Current 1E Streak: Losing (5 Games since 2023-01-06)
2E Posted Decks
Recent | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2E Tournament Record
1E Posted Decks
1E Tournament Record
Tr Tournament Record