Gerald Sieber (Ausgang)
Lifetime Stats
- Highest 1E Overall Rating: 1617
- Highest 1E Constructed Rating: 1584
- Highest 1E Sealed Rating: 1527
- Longest 1E Winning Streak: 7 Games - (2019-07-06 to 2019-08-08)
- Longest 1E Losing Streak: 9 Games - (2015-01-17 to 2016-05-21)
- Current 1E Streak: Winning (1 Games since 2024-03-16)
1E Posted Decks
Recent | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Replicator Remans |
| Wanted to try the combination of the overhauled Genetronic Replicator with the Reman's "just-played" abilities. I've never used it once. As you want to stock multiple copies of them anyways in order to draw them reliably, you also rarely care when they die. |
| Gulagfest |
| TMP Klingons 2-mission speed solver |
| Warp Speed Cube (Bavarian Flavor): 6-player version |
| WSC 6-players |
1E Tournament Record
Tr Posted Decks
Tr Tournament Record
Date/Time | | Rank | Rating Change | Badge |
Overall | Constructed | Sealed |
2018 |
2018-12-16 11:00 AM | | | 1 / 6 | 450,553 (450,553) | 450,553 (450,553) | | |