Morgan Evans (MogtheMega)
Lifetime Stats
- Highest 2E Overall Rating: 1533
- Highest 2E Constructed Rating: 1532
- Highest 2E Sealed Rating:
- Longest 2E Winning Streak: 2 Games - (2014-07-05 to 2014-07-05)
- Longest 2E Losing Streak: 6 Games - (2014-07-05 to Present)
- Current 2E Streak: Losing (6 Games since 2014-07-05)
2E Posted Decks
Recent | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Transwarp Pre-Constructed Deck: Klingon |
| Basic Klingon pre-constructed deck - a simple deck built around the Klingons from freely available cards.
Version 1.0 (15th July 2008) Beta deck completed. |
2E Tournament Record
Tr Posted Decks
Tr Tournament Record
Date/Time | | Rank | Rating Change | Badge |
Overall | Constructed | Sealed |
2015 |
2015-03-01 05:00 PM | | | 5 / 5 | 44,530 (44,530) | 44,530 (44,530) | | |