Christopher Jansa (Psionic Hobo)
Lifetime Stats
- Highest 2E Overall Rating: 1821
- Highest 2E Constructed Rating: 1862
- Highest 2E Sealed Rating: 1542
- Highest 1E Overall Rating: 0
- Highest 1E Constructed Rating: 0
- Highest 1E Sealed Rating:
- Longest 2E Winning Streak: 7 Games - (2 times, most recently 2023-12-04 to 2023-12-11)
- Longest 2E Losing Streak: 5 Games - (2 times, most recently 2023-02-06 to 2023-03-06)
- Current 2E Streak: Losing (2 Games since 2024-09-09)
- Longest 1E Winning Streak: 2 Games - (2024-09-02 to Present)
- Longest 1E Losing Streak: 0 Games
- Current 1E Streak: Winning (2 Games since 2024-09-02)
2E Posted Decks
2E Tournament Record
1E Posted Decks
1E Tournament Record
Tr Posted Decks
Tr Tournament Record
Date/Time | | Rank | Rating Change | Badge |
Overall | Constructed | Sealed |
2023 |
2023-09-23 07:00 PM | | | 7 / 7 | 25,100 (25,100) | 25,100 (25,100) | | |
2024 |
2024-02-25 04:00 PM | | | 2 / 4 | 681,467 (706,567) | 681,467 (706,567) | | |
2024-08-30 08:00 PM | | | 4 / 8 | 270,000 (976,567) | 270,000 (976,567) | | |
2024-08-31 08:00 PM | | | 4 / 6 | 152,121 (1,128,688) | 152,121 (1,128,688) | | |
2024-09-01 08:00 PM | | | 3 / 5 | 524,988 (1,653,676) | 524,988 (1,653,676) | | |
2025 |
2025-08-16 06:00 AM | | Upcoming |