Nathan Flaming (Azighal)
Lifetime Stats
- Highest 2E Overall Rating: 1490
- Highest 2E Constructed Rating: 1490
- Highest 2E Sealed Rating:
- Highest 1E Overall Rating: 1621
- Highest 1E Constructed Rating: 1616
- Highest 1E Sealed Rating: 1497
- Longest 2E Winning Streak: 0 Games
- Longest 2E Losing Streak: 4 Games - (2023-07-31 to Present)
- Current 2E Streak: Losing (4 Games since 2023-07-31)
- Longest 1E Winning Streak: 4 Games - (2 times, most recently 2024-09-02 to 2024-10-07)
- Longest 1E Losing Streak: 6 Games - (2024-04-15 to 2024-06-08)
- Current 1E Streak: Losing (1 Games since 2024-10-07)
2E Tournament Record
1E Posted Decks
Recent | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Terrain Empire with Jean-Luc |
| TOS EMPIRE in all its glory traveling to the 24th century to reclaim what they lost. Built by Brian Sykes. I wanted to play a mirror universe empire deck, and wanted to use Jean-Luc shenanigans. |
| Enterprise Klingons |
| Klingon deck played at the 2/23 Online tournament. |
| Canada West Coast regional |
| Borg deck played at the 11/22 Online Trek Masters Championship. I made a couple of modifications for myself. |
1E Tournament Record
Tr Posted Decks
Tr Tournament Record
Date/Time | | Rank | Rating Change | Badge |
Overall | Constructed | Sealed |
2023 |
2023-06-25 05:00 PM | | | 6 / 6 | 1 (1) | 1 (1) | | |
2023-07-15 08:00 PM | | | 1 / 12 | 1,200,772 (1,200,773) | 1,200,772 (1,200,773) | | |
2023-07-15 08:15 PM | | | 1 / 6 | 450,213 (1,650,986) | 450,213 (1,650,986) | | |
2024 |
2024-03-30 04:00 PM | | | 5 / 5 | 60,000 (1,710,986) | 60,000 (1,710,986) | | |
2024-05-11 04:00 PM | | | 4 / 4 | 40,000 (1,750,986) | 40,000 (1,750,986) | | |
2024-06-08 03:30 PM | | | 4 / 7 | 50,111 (1,801,097) | 50,111 (1,801,097) | | |
2024-09-01 08:00 PM | | | 4 / 5 | 281,113 (2,082,210) | 281,113 (2,082,210) | | |