Nicholas Yankovec (nickyank) |
Tournament Report - 2E |
2013-04-19 - 08:00 PM |
Plunder ahoy! |
Introduction |
The first tournament of the Great Danish Weekend... 3 days, 4 tournaments, some of the best and nicest gamers gathered together for a really great time! For the Friday evening tournament I played a Thieves deck, not an A game deck, but a fun one. |
Round 1 | | Peter H. Møller | FL (-95) |
Ok, I was tired, and don't remember much about this tournament at all. This was the first time I had played against the Relativity deck, and I remembered I struggled with dilemmas against future Chakotay and Kirk OT. I never got Pickpocket going, and my Gatherers were just too attribute shy to complete without it. |
Round 2 | | Unjustly Banned | FW (+30)View opponent's ReportView original Report |
The one game in which Galen and Pickpocket got going and I micro teamed all missions for the full win. My dilemmas successfully held off the Dissident Borg quite well. |
Nick was playing his Thief deck. Sadly for me, this involved micro-attempts - something my kill dilemma pile couldn't handle very well. The report for this game could almost be a copy of the one above. Once again, my inability to play dilemmas gave Nick his missions pretty quickly. Even though I'd blown up Bustling with Activity, Nick had got one turn's use out of it. That let him get Galen out, so all his Thieves were attributes +1. He then got Pickpocket out for attributes +2 too. I couldn't do much about that as, by that point, the majority of my deck was personnel. I tried using the D'arsay Archive drone (not its real name) to shuffle my deck after Nick used The Caretaker's "Guests" to place a personnel on top of my deck, but it didn't make a difference. Nick eventually won the game, and I was one turn away from winning myself (again!)
FL: 70-100 |
Round 3 | | Soren Ramme Nielsen | TT (0) |
Soren was playing a TOS deck and the first of two True Ties we had this weekend. I can't even remember *anything* about this game! |
Closing Thoughts |
A good way to start the weekend. If only Thieves had a little something extra to help out their deck type. |