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admiralgary (admiralgary)
Tournament Report - 1E - Omarion Nebula Regional
2017-06-24 - 02:00 PM
KCAEternal Sorrow 1.0
Decided to build a deck to damage and destroy ships and kill all security people I could kill to try and lock them out of completing missions...it worked well but could be much much better, Eternal Sorrow 1.5 is coming...

Round 1KlingonKCAPaddy TyeML (-40)View opponent's Report
Started off good but did not realise the Klingon fleet was building until a little late...scratch my outpost and ships but Paddy delayed trying to do missions until near the last 15 minutes of the game...by that time my dilemma made a mess of things and he only got a modified win...

Round 2FederationMichael KnightFW (+65)
Mike tried doing a few missions and kept getting his ships damaged and sadly lost a lot of security I targeted...he could not do much more...

Round 3CardassianWill LeftwichFW (+100)
Finally someone triggered Scout Encounter! And Will lost three damaged ships in quick succession, along with his crew...it was tragic to do!